Hi, Urgent Clown Loach Problem!

I use hot water out of the tap with no problems. But my pipe works not really old.
You could always boil the kettle and heat the water up that way.

wouldnt boiled water be slightly to hot for my tank lol

and my mum said its not a good idea to keep putting new water in from the tap because im putting more chemicals in because i dont have the kit?
I mean just mix it in with the cold water from the tap.
I mean just mix it in with the cold water from the tap.

is it a good idea to keep taking out the water that the filter is de clorinating or whatever and putting new water from the tap that has the same amount of chemicals as the water the filter has just helped?

if that makes any sense :blink:
Don't touch the filter.
You only remove the tank water.
You add declorinator the the new water in the bucket, and give it a stir before you add it to the tank.
Try to add the water to the tank gently rather then just tipping it in.
The only thing you touch weekly when a tank is cycling is the filter floss or matting, you just rinse it in old tank water.
Don't touch the filter.
You only remove the tank water.
You add declorinator the the new water in the bucket, and give it a stir before you add it to the tank.
Try to add the water to the tank gently rather then just tipping it in.
The only thing you touch weekly when a tank is cycling is the filter floss or matting, you just rinse it in old tank water.

yea but i dont have any test kit or declorinator until tomorrow, so i dont know if i should keep putting new water in, and i dont clean my filter sponges monthly then? because they get all clogged up with poo and stuff?
You can risk doing small water changes without declorinator but it's best to use it.
You only touch filter sponges one at a time when there really mucky, you just slightly rinse one in old tank water.
Then you do the other sponge a few weeks later.
You shouldn't need to touch the sponge for a few months after tanks cycled.
You usually go by your water stats.
ohh =/ when i clean my fishtank i move the whole thing to the bathroom?
take the filter out and clean it all out, clean the stones, clean the ornaments, clean the actual tank :S
and i've always just used tap water :eek:

i dont know what i'm going to do now really my last fish seems a bit more lively than before but still breathing fast and hiding, i guess i have to wait an hope it recovers =/ and even if it does it hasnt eaten for about 3 days and will not enjoy being on its own + adding new fish = more disease.. im kinda stuck here =/
You don't touch a thing till the tank cycled.
Only thing you touch is the white filter floss in the filter, and remove uneaten food.
Once tanks cycled you just do a gravel vac and water change, but you can wash ornament and move them for the gravel vac.
I think you need to read up on the nitrogen cycle, and maintaining a fish tank.

Some good info here.

Also research the fish before you buy as not all lfs tell the truth.
make sure fish are compatiable and you know how big the fish grow.
You don't touch a thing till the tank cycled.
Only thing you touch is the white filter floss in the filter, and remove uneaten food.
Once tanks cycled you just do a gravel vac and water change, but you can wash ornament and move them for the gravel vac.
I think you need to read up on the nitrogen cycle, and maintaining a fish tank.

Some good info here.

Also research the fish before you buy as not all lfs tell the truth.
make sure fish are compatiable and you know how big the fish grow.

how do i know when its cycled then? and if i dont clean the sponges the filter wont be able to take in any more dirt from the tank?
If the tanks overstocked the filter won't cope with the fish waste anyway.
Your tanks cycled when your ammonia and nitrite reading is 0.

Did you work out how many gallons the tank is.
So what left in the tank now.
You might be better asking the lfs to take the fish back and doing a fishless cycle.
If the tanks overstocked the filter won't cope with the fish waste anyway.
Your tanks cycled when your ammonia and nitrite reading is 0.

Did you work out how many gallons the tank is.
So what left in the tank now.
You might be better asking the lfs to take the fish back and doing a fishless cycle.

well i worked it out at roughly 45 litres..not sure what that is in gallons =/
and hmm i guess i'll have to see what my readin for them is tomorrow
and i only have 1 clown left now =/ even though he seems slightly better moving around a bit more
Wow that's is very small tank for clown loaches.
I would take them back as the filter won't cope with them either.
I would maybe think of getting fish more approriate for that tank size.
Ask in tropical discussion about stocking that size tank.
Wow that's is very small tank for clown loaches.
I would take them back as the filter won't cope with them either.
I would maybe think of getting fish more approriate for that tank size.
Ask in tropical discussion about stocking that size tank.

i'm not really interested in any other fish if im honest however i asked my mum and she said that i could get rid of my tv and cabinet that i dont use so that i can have more space for a bigger fish tank, and i can make an attempt at doing things right =/ aka using test kits however the only space in my room is right infront of the window or the radiator.. unless i moved my bed and then it would be in line with the window but at the other end of the room
You have to be careful with direct sunlight as it causes alot of algae.
Not had a very good start have you. Did you pick the clown loaches.
Surprised the lfs didn't say the tank was to small for them, though then again some lfs don't care as long
as they make a sale.
You have to be careful with direct sunlight as it causes alot of algae.
Not had a very good start have you. Did you pick the clown loaches.
Surprised the lfs didn't say the tank was to small for them, though then again some lfs don't care as long
as they make a sale.
yea but tbh i bought my loach 2 years ago when they was all tiny and i've always cleaned all the fliter etc etc and never used test kits and they have always been fine until i got rid of my old filter and decided it was time for a new one =/

and tbh i dont know how direct it would be because my window faces like away from the sun (south facing??) andd so its mainly just daylight that comes in and i was thinking of getting a tank roughly the width of this wall? and i would just move my bed and have my current tank as a cycling one or what they called it in that guide? for the sponges when the others are being cleaned

however as you can see my room isnt exactly very big =/


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