Like Strings Coming Out Of Goldfish


Fish Crazy
Jan 12, 2009
Reaction score
Guadalajara, Mexico
I just came home and saw my goldfish with some strings like coming out between his belly and the tail, he seems to be ok but looks weird
there is also one balck skirt tetra with a bulky eye is that normal ??

is there an infeccion in the tank ??

what can i do??
thanks for the help :crazy:


  • fish.jpg
    40.4 KB · Views: 20,941
The strings coming out between the belly and tail was probably poo. Sometimes it can be dark coloured and sometimes light coloured. If it is white and hangs around for a bit the fish could have internal problems.

The bulging eye is not normal for a tetra and could be caused by a bacterial infection or the fish injured itself and the eye has swollen up. If it is a minor scratch then the eye will go back down within a day or two. If it is infected then the problem will get worse and the eye could go red or even pop.

Check the water quality and make sure the tank is clean. Do a gravel clean, water change, and check the filter. Clean the filter if necessary and increase aeration. If the goldfish is still eating normally then don't worry too much.
If the tetra hasn't improved by tomorrow then add some medication to treat bacterial and fungal infections.

To work out the volume of water in the tank
measure Length x Width x Height in cm
divide by 1000
equals volume in litres

When measuring the height, measure from the top of the gravel to the top of the water level. If you have big rocks or driftwood in the tank, remove them before measuring the height.

Remove carbon from the filter before treating otherwise it will absorb the medication out of the water.
tks for the reply!!!!!
ok poo coming out of the side I never hear of it
I all ready put some blue drops.
if it has internal problems will it die? what is the cause of this?
can the other fish get contaminated from the goldfish or the tetra?

tkn you
Did the white stringy stuff come out of the side of the fish or underneath the fish? If it came out from under the fish (between the belly and tail) then it was probably poo. If it came out of the fish's side (between the belly and tail) then it could be something else, perhaps excess mucous.

It depends on what the internal problem is but it could be an internal bacterial infection or intestinal worms. Bacterial infections can be a problem but sometimes respond to treatment if you catch them early enough. Worms will live in fish for years and not cause any major problems unless their numbers build up. Then they slowly suck the life out of the fish.
If the fish is still eating and swimming around normally then it is most likely worms, but if the fish has stopped eating then it is probably an internal bacterial problem and there isn't much you can do.
Bacterial infections can be picked up from bad food or the fish just gets run down and becomes infected from the bugs living in the tank water.

Other fish can be infected with the diseases and there is a possibility they already are. However, a lot of problems only affect the weaker fish leaving the healthy ones untouched. Keeping the tank nice and clean through regular water changes and gravels cleans, and keeping the filter clean will help the fish stay healthy. Dirty tanks, filters and gravel are the biggest cause of fish health problems.
ok tks for the reply
I tryd to make the pic more clear so you can see what i'm taking about.
so what is a posible solucion or is there especial medicine,
I'm just hoping it dosent die :unsure:
do blue drops help??



  • fish3.jpg
    67.2 KB · Views: 15,823
can you take a different picture of the fish swimming around in the tank?

can you tell me what the blue drops are that you put in the tank?
ok I think this is a good pic so you can see it

I put in methylen blue drops



  • fish4.jpg
    60.1 KB · Views: 7,495
It is anchorworm (Lernaea). These are parasites that can infect any fish and if enough of them get onto a fish, they can kill it, but it takes a lot of them. They could also be the reason the tetra has the bulging eye. If there is a little anchorworm attached near the eye then it will cause the eye to flare up.

You will need to treat the tank with something that kills anchorworm. You can try rock salt or marine salt. Use 1 heaped tablespoon per 20litres (5gallons) of water. Leave the salt in the tank for a couple of weeks and then do 10-15% water changes each day to dilute the salt out.

Salt usually works but not always and if you have Corydoras catfish in the tank then don't use salt. If you do have catfish in the tank then you will need to use a chemical medication from the petshop. Masoten, Dipterex, Trichlorphon are the same thing and is often the recommended treatment. But the stuff doesn't work very well any more and it is really toxic so it is preferable not to use it.
Some of the other fish wormers like Flubendazole might help. Do a search on the forum and see what other people recommend for treating anchorworm.
ok tks for the reply
I have some plants in the tank should I take the plants out or the salt dont hurt them ??

I'll check the forums for the Lernaea

tks :good:
That amount of salt is unlikely to affect the plants. You also need to treat the plants because the anchorworm parasites will often hang onto plants while they develop. If you move the plants out during treatment you could actually re-introduce the problem into the tank when you move the plants back in.
I have a barb with the white stringy stuff. Is it an internal problem that needs to be treated or will it get better with a good water change?

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