Saintlys Iwagumi Journal. Part 2

ok here's the latest,

glosso spreading nicley.

hair grass doing great, and the vallis nana is losing old leaves and sending out runners here there and everywhere.

the Cyperus helferi is doing brill. it seems to be sending out some kind of stem. again old leaves are dying of and new growth starting to appear.

all of this growth and without any ferts! just lights for 6 hours p/d and co2 at stable levels.

im going to start ferting tommorrow. nice and easy to begin with.



just to compare!

looks good but if someone fell down the stairs then they would go flying into the standor even headfirst into the the glass
your right, i'd better move the stairs.

seriously, i cant put it anywhere else.

danger and death is all around my friend, i'm a roofer, i should know. if i avoided every posible acident, i wouldnt go out.
i was jokin around theres a very very small chance that may happen but it looks better now imo also how long did it take for you to move the tank
since the last post, about 20 minutes. empty some water, and slide it across the floor. job done. i had it there once before actualy.

i kinda like it more now, thanks :good:
Wow Wow Wow Look Amazing :hyper: :hyper: :drool: :drool: :good: :good:
you know what mate it looks amazing, im gonna have to eat my comment about the rocks, once its all grown in around em its gonna look spanking, and i have to say the tank looks a lot more nano than it actually is which adds a cool dimension.
well guys, such great comments. genuinely, thanks :good:

arent forums great? i've leart most of this stuff through visiting sites like these. just siving through the crap and finding the good advice.

which leads me to my next question... how long would a setup like this last? if kept trimmed etc?

things i've noticed:

1. sound advice from richard at aqua essentials... photoperiod of 6 hours to begin with, i'm begining to add 15 mins a week now.

2. if using aqua soil, watch for kh, ph, gh. to dive bomb, untill it stables out.( not much said about the effects of this on the net!) i dont buffer the water. just plain old tap water.i have an ro unit which has gone to waste :crazy:

3.pressurised co2 is a MUST due to high bubbles p/s count, just to keep a steady 30ppm.

4.ferting the water column can be kept to an absalute minimum.infact nothing until 2 days ago! due to the qualitys of aquasoil. the 4 weeks ish, the tank has been running, i've had not one issue with algae by sticking to these rules. only the odd sign on the rocks,

hope that helps anyone who might be scratching there heads when using aqua soil for the first time.

if you notice the small arcadia tank on my cupboard unit, that is going to be replaced by a 100cm x 35 x 35 optiwhite tank :drool: which i'm looking forward to seting up now!
i,ve copied amano's 180 x 750 x750 panoramic tank just on a smaller scale! i preffer the panoramic look.

thanks again peeps.

ok,i've just added a dozen cardinal tetras.and things are looking good. its nice to see a splash of colour!

ive already got 2 ottos in there and a small bristlenose for the stones. the filters upto speed now, so i should be ok with the water parameters.

i eventualy want about 50/60 strong shoal. all in good time.

sorry for boring everyone with all the pics! :crazy:


pics are the best thing about jornals and you got some pretty good camera skills there mate looking good

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