My Planted 100 Gallon Discus Setup

Well this morning the UPS actually turned up, and doesnt work. It has been dropped in transit and wont power on so thats going back. However I have managed to wire up the extension lead with an IEC connector to allow connection between the UPS and the filter/heater/pump. I am also up and about, just, so everything is on the upside.

What UPS did you buy? I've often thought of fitting one to my tanks electrics.

Sorry for the time taken to reply but i am finally upright again. On the mend and feeling much more human.

Back to the point, the UPS i bought was a Trust 500VA. I cannot say anything good nor bad about them as the one I recieved was DOA, had been dropped in transit, entire casing was smashed and actually looked as though it had been driven over, go figure.

I have not managed to get hold of another as yet but when i do i will wire in and upload details.

I have managed however to convert a standard 4 socket extension lead with an IEC connector to directly plug into the UPS so i dont have to remove any plugs from the ends of heaters and filters etc.

Well the new UPS has been lost in transit so i am scrubbing that idea until i can pick one up locally. Shippy Delivery Companies.

I have been keeping my eye on 3 discus at my local LFS, there health has seemed to be deteriorating as time went on so I came to an arrangement with the owner to see if i could bring them back to health, i picked them up as dark colourless fish with cloudy eyes and they have been in my quarantine tank since 18.00 last night, there is quite a considerable difference.

They will be going into the main tank in 28 days time after they have been wormed and treated for there ailments.

Here is one taken with the camera phone, cant place hands on decent camera atm.


Looks great Chris. Will be interested to see how your Rescue Discus come along too!

We had loads of power cuts in the run up to Xmas. Was terrible as the heating was off, it was freezing outside and we were stressing about how to keep the temp up on 3 tanks (2 marine). UPS is definately the way forward, so will be keeping an eye on what you end up with!

Looking forward to more pics :good:

nickyc :)
any more news .. beauty tank and fish... hows it going these days
Well the tank has undergone a major revamp lately, most of the plants were removed as they were not surviving as well as i wanted so i left the more tolerable species to it.

I have a huge growth of Hygrophilia Polysperma, Vallisneria Spiralis, Echinodorus Tennellus and a Nympheas Sticata (sp?)

The fish are ok as, i lost one of the rescued discus last week to an unknown illness, it looked like it had suffered a stroke.

I will pop some photos on later. And my Blue Turq female started laying eggs without a mate, stupid woman, lol

Well here is the tank in its current state, a few pieces of bogwood have also been added and some sponge filters that are currently beeing seeded.

And from the other side, much brighter.

I have a few more additions to be added that are currently in quarantine, a YoYo Loach 4" and 9 more Otto's


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