Queen Arabesque L260


Fish Geek
May 8, 2006
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Hi all, just bought a queen and wanted to show her off!!

Lovely distinct pattern....

What a beauty :wub: enjoy the sightings of him/her while you can! If there's a cave to hide (as there should be), you'll almost never see them again :lol:
Yea there is a cave and loads of hiding places in/under bogwood.... I'm sure she will find her spot!
Gorgeous L260.

I've had one of mine for almost a year now and the other 7 months and they are out quite a lot now. They did take a while to settle (once they found their desired spot), but are more friendly and active now.

How big is your beaut?? Got any close up shots of the hairs on the cheeks and pectoral fins?? Just looking at the shape, it looks like a boy to me. What are you feeding him/her??

Gorgeous, congrats. They are lovely little things.

Gorgeous L260.

I've had one of mine for almost a year now and the other 7 months and they are out quite a lot now. They did take a while to settle (once they found their desired spot), but are more friendly and active now.

How big is your beaut?? Got any close up shots of the hairs on the cheeks and pectoral fins?? Just looking at the shape, it looks like a boy to me. What are you feeding him/her??

Gorgeous, congrats. They are lovely little things.


Hi there!

Its about 2 1/2 inches long, not sure how old this would make him/her? I have attached another picture, best I can get at the minute. I presumed female due to the total white belly, as I understood, male has a marbled belly?

Feeding is varied per day, some bloodworm, wafers, plec tabs, cucumber and loach sinkers

Cheers, saw the L260 and although it was pretty expensive, could not resist :good:

Wow, that second pic is incredible. A very gorgeous specimen for sure.

Anyway. As for the white belly, I have read other breeders say that it wasn't a certain way to sex these fish. If there are a few in a tank, then there would probably be a dominant male. Which would make the other males sub dominant and they wouldn't look as masculine as the dominant one.

I've also read another breeder say that their main mating male had a completely white belly. I supposedly have a female, who has a mainly white belly, with slight marble.

Anyway. Time will tell and it is a gorgeous plec. Probably over a year old, I'm not completely sure. They sure aren't cheap. I paid over £30 for my first and £25 for my second. But well worth it. Your's looks in brilliant condition and I'm sure you are very pleased with your new baby.

Look forward to updates from time to time with this little one. Would love more of your amazing pics.

Keep well
Carmen :D
Lovely fish.

Where did you get him from?

Bought him/her from The Giant Pet Store in Norwich...

Carmen, is there any way of sexing the fish? He/she has found her 'spot' now and as I type, busy swimming and cycling around the tank. She likes to spend a lot of time in the open which is strange but I guess things will change as she becomes more comfortable with her surroundings.

Not long now and my planted Juwel Vision 180 project will start so she will get a real nice home soon!
I have just bought two of these little suckers - I call them Pebble and Stone, as they don't move!!! At least, not whilst you're looking.

At least they're not floating!!
Hi again

When we first got our male, I was convinced he was a he because of the mottled belly. But then after reading all the articles, I thought I'd wait a few months and see if the cheek hairs and pectoral fin hairs grew. They only took a couple of months and he is a hairy boy.

When choosing my second Queen, I looked for a fatty, with shorter cheek hair and only slight hair on the pectoral fins. Only after the guy caught her, did we notice the almost white belly, with a few marble spots. Now all these months later, Arry is pretty hair, cheeks and pectorals, where Arabella isn't. She's also got a lot fatter.

Are you looking to breed eventually?? It would be wonderful if you have a girl. I have read many other threads on other forums of people battling to find girls, there seem to be more boys than girls out there.

This is a pic of our females belly,

I'd say, give it a few months, feed yours all the foods they love to eat and see.

Keep well
Carmen :D
Hey Carmen,

Yours looks lovely! I would love to try and breed, will probably give it a try once the fish are transferred to the new community tank

Will post up as the he/she grows a little!

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