A Tribute To Our First Ever Bettas!

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Fish Fanatic
Aug 28, 2006
Reaction score
hillbilly dumping ground, NY
I thought it would be nice to tell a little about your very first bettas, the fishies that were the reason for the betta addiction that lives in all of us. Whether that betta is still alive, or has passed away, tell a little about them, and show a picture if you have one.

My first boy was a cute little boy I named alex, after my favorite racehorse, Afleet Alex. I learned a lot of do's and don'ts with this little guy. I lost him about 3 months after I got him, to a really bad case of colmunaris, and I had no clue how to treat it at the time. But I loved him and I still miss him everytime I look at a picture of him. :wub:

heres alex
My first Betta :wub: was named George!

He was a precious little beauty!
All blue, no other colors, just blue.. omg I loved him sooo much.



he died at the ripe old age of 2 .. I miss ya Georgie!
What a pretty boy! He's lovely!

I was a member of the forum with a large community Tetra tank and a goldie tank (my first fish, a feeder save) when I bumped into a member. We chatted about his wife's Betta love, which was as much his love now. So I visited the Betta board. Next Day I went and got two VTs and put them in the largest vases I could find until they were moved to a split ten.

Lavendar Lace: Shh! Don't tell he was my favorite VT

And Zuni Warrior: A good boy

I came home and posted them right away. Members came and told me what a pretty boy! I was addicted. The result was I collected far more Bettas than I could reasonaly care for when push came to shove. I thought I would give them up. But here I am. And Synirr is sending me some lovely ladies--including a Cambo I've want for a long time..(Maybe she will send me another Lips some day.)
Gorgeous bettas, you guys!

This was my first betta, Teenage Mutant Ninja Betta (Ninja). I rescued him from a tank jam-packed full of goldfish. He had fungus and really bad fin rot (he had like no tail, you can see where there the regrowth started).
My first betta was named Ron, He was a blue spade tail from wal-mart. I rescued him from my friend whooz cats used it as a toy. It wasn't in good condition and I had to let it go... :(
My first betta was a VT named george, bought from a local fish store, he started off in a bowl on a little table in the living room in front of a window, no heater and 50% water changes once a week. He had a lily plant in his tank, you know, one of the ones from those packets of three bulbs that walmart sells? This was not only my first, but the healthiest betta I've ever had. Henever had to be treated for fin rot, ich, bacterial, well, he never got sick with anything, and he lived until he was five and a half. I think the natural sunlight and the plants in his bowl really helped. Later, after I found this forum, George got upgraded to a ten gallon tank for the last year and a half or so of his life, and he loved it. ^_^ sorry the pic is so big.

I still have my first betta, Brandon. Who I mistakingly thought was a girl, because he was such a little plakat. Anyway, I bought him from Walmart; he was in a female betta cup. I initially wanted to setup a female betta tank, but "she" was so aggressive, I had to house "her" separately. Then I found out "she" was a boy. :D

EDIT: Server update... picture moved.
My first betta was George, from PetSmart. I think I've had him 18 months or so. He's my favorite and has more personality than any of the others.


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my first little boy was Bruce Willis
i put him through a lot, nearly killed him putting him an uncycled tank, he had white spot AND fin rot when i first got him, he was a steep learning curve! I got him in August 05, he died the following April from a large tumour on his side.


the day i got him in his 2g bowl (then he moved to a hex 5g tank, then a plastic 4g, then a planted 7.5g!)
My first Betta, Harley Earl, a forrest green VT, was given to me by my grandaughter after I was diagonosed with a dibilitating disease. She said he would keep be company and that he truely mastered. He had the most entertaining personality and he spent all his time beside my bed, and later on lounge chair, watching over me and he always hovered right in front of me so he was sure not to miss anything, he was very very nosey. This was before computers and cameras became the rage so regretfully I have no pictures of my little guy. Time was good to us but he is gone now and not a day goes by that I don't think of him. I'll never have another fish swim into my heart the way he did and still does.....................
My "Alpha Betta" Bulldog. Got him back in October 2003 after watching an episode of La Femme Nikita that had a blue betta and a red betta sparring live with each other. Bulldog is not pretty, but he was always lively! And he was tough because I was a beginner back then and I'm sure I made many mistakes. But two years later he started to became tired and grey. No growths or anything. I think he was just old. He still showed that same spunk the first day I got him even though his body wouldn't let him.

Thanks Lady the pics not great. But the boys were.
What I really appreciated about this Betta board was that no one yelled at me about putting them in 2 qt. vases until I got their homes ready. When I asked what to do, my questions were answered with grace and caring.

Betta People in general RULE! :kana:
My first bettas name was rainbow. He had to put up with goldfish in a 10 gallon tank. Oh course he was the only one who survived!!!! RIP rainbow!!! He died at the age of 2.

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