Zoo Med Aquasun Led Ho Aquarium Fixture

Have considered water lettuce.
Well, the white portion of the LEDs stopped working today.  Email sent to their customer service.  We shall see what happens next...
Not even a full 6 months with this light and having trouble... not good.  :no:
The blue lights are working just fine, and my plants have seemed to really adjust well to their new home and the light, so I am disappointed in this happening.  My red ocelot amazon sword has really done a nice job after its initial melt...  The other amazons are also looking nice, after their longest leaves also died.  
This has now been about 10 months since you bought this light system, I am having another foray into LED system, but for a small tank this time.
Am intrigued if you have had any further progress and how the plants are faring with this light unit?
Ch4rlie said:
This has now been about 10 months since you bought this light system, I am having another foray into LED system, but for a small tank this time.
Am intrigued if you have had any further progress and how the plants are faring with this light unit?
Plants are doing great.  
Java moss has created a 'tree' like appearance at the top of my large vertical driftwood.
Red Oselot Amazon Sword has done very well... still has a bit of 'red' to it.  New leaves always come in red then they slowly fade to green as they age.
Other amazon swords are fine...staying low.
Dwarf sag is content and growing.
Crypts are filling in nicely.
Anubias is doing well, java fern filled in nicely.
Well worth the investment.  Like I mentioned earlier, about 5 months or so in, the switches needed to be replaced.  I contacted the company to complain that only the blue was working and not the whites... they immediately got back to me and within a few days had sent replacement parts at no cost (including a few spares!!!) I was able to change out the bad piece in about 5 minutes and everything has been swimmingly swell since then.  ;)
Sounds good, like the service they gave you.
Ok, will put this one on my 'definitely maybe' list of LED units I may buy.
Thanks :good:
Ch4rlie said:
Sounds good, like the service they gave you.
Ok, will put this one on my 'definitely maybe' list of LED units I may buy.
Yup.  Great service.  And I got the set when it was on sale. :D  

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