Zikofski's Ada 60H (45) Iwagumi Tank Journal

Sorry about the shrimp losses, but glad the UV unit is working as well as you'd hoped!
What is scprnsivr in your last paragraph? Can't work out what it was meant to be
Thank you sorry I didn't understand what you mean by scprnsivr
Mamashack said:
Sorry about the shrimp losses, but glad the UV unit is working as well as you'd hoped!
What is scprnsivr in your last paragraph? Can't work out what it was meant to be
Zikofski said:
Thank you sorry I didn't understand what you mean by scprnsivr
Zik - You wrote that on your last paragraph, have highlighted it in red below - 
Zikofski said:
Another thing that UV steriliser OMG words can not describe how clear the tank looks, with the low iron glass the tsnk looks like there is no water in it seriously it looks amazing I would highly recommend getting one for any tank not to scprnsivr pretty big unit but so worth it and if u calculate it correctly will provide level 1 steralization and remove bad things from the water colum ie bacteria and viruses.
Btw, sorry for the shrimp losses and hopefully will be no more losses.
Glad you like the UV filter and exceeding your expectations :)
Can't wait to see what the pics looks like with this so clear its almost like no water tank ;)
Sorry to hear of the losses of your shrimp Ziko. Hopefully all settles down soon. 
In relation to the paragraph... 
Zikofski said:
Another thing that UV steriliser OMG words can not describe how clear the tank looks, with the low iron glass the tsnk looks like there is no water in it seriously it looks amazing I would highly recommend getting one for any tank not to scprnsivr pretty big unit but so worth it and if u calculate it correctly will provide level 1 steralization and remove bad things from the water colum ie bacteria and viruses.

Il post a picture tomorrow as an update
I think the word "scprnsivr" is referring to expensive in the context of the sentence. "I would highly reccomend getting one for any tank not too expensive". 
Maybe... Only Ziko can clear it up :p 
Aaaah sorry peeps and dandy man your correct it was ment to be expensive :) well a miracle has happened tested the tsnk this morning and nitrite was 0 :O I'm astounded well her is a promised picture :)

I am still waiting on a part for my GoPro then il get w good video
Wheres the tank water, go on fill her up.....
oh, its already full, that is clean water :eek:
Wow that is impressive!
Sorry for the mix-up - well done, Dandyman.
That is stunning. Well done!
Fantastic. Loving the updates. Hopefully everything will be cool runnings. 
sadly i have lost a few more shrimp :( and a few fish as well due to my stupid during my last WC i can no longer change using cold water as the temp it so harsh for the fish, so will need to use my hot water too. 
i have 3 fantasy blue shrimp still alive so far, altho i am getting some more algae so i am doing a quick few days black out and will transfer some amano shrimp back across tomorrow, i did notice however if u remember one of my "amano" shrimp eating one of cherry's intact i found out that wasn't an amano shrimp but a ghost shrimp, so il be sure not to move them over and just the amano's, ghost shrimp can be very vicious apparently, and i think maybe causing problems in my other tank :S i am going to rescape my other tank soon so head over there for updates on that one :D I'm giving this tank some breathing space and letting it settle and letting the cuba grow a bit it was growing still before the black out lets hope it can survive the black out :D 
Sorry for your further losses, Zik. 
Don't know if this helps, but I'm not doing water changes much at all in my shrimp tanks. I'm topping off every other day with pure RO water that has been standing at room temperature. Only doing a water change every couple of weeks and then only 10% making sure I match the TDS and checking the GH every once in a while.
That's the beauty of starting with RO. Once you know the (remineralized) TDS that the desired GH gives you can just aim for the same TDS each time and know that the GH will be what you want it to be.
I know it's a bit different for you as you are doing EI. Maybe the 2 aren't compatible at the moment - shrimp and EI I mean. I find it hard enough to keep shrimp healthy without the complication of juggling ferts and CO2 as well - mind boggling (to me! lol)
haha, yea I'm not sure, but i think the problem lies with my high nitrite that i had a week ago so i think the shrimp are slowly falling away at the problem. once everything is table and fine i think it will all be fine. i do need to get more shrimp stock soon tho
but I'm glad to hear that your tanks are doing well with the RO water now steady and slow changes 
okay pictures the cuba is growing very nicely and i noticed some amano shrimp already eating the algae :) i think my tank cycle has gone wrong again :( i woke up this morning to both tanks off, and there was a power cut last night that tripped the circuit breakers :( the tanks where off for around 5 hours :( so i am hoping the bacteria can last that long without moving water :s shall test nitrite in the morning.
but here are some pictures, 

Got my fingers crossed that the bacteria haven't suffered. That's the problem with power cuts - no way round it unless you have a generator that cuts in when the power cuts out.
The cuba is looking very good!

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