No problem it's so easy to mix up an algae bloom and a bacteria bloom

but sadly results where bad and another dead shrimp

one other shrimp looks in bad health to I think I may loose some more, so I did another 90+ WC took the water so low the fish started jumping, stressing them out but in the wild they loose water during s dry season so I am not worried to much, fresh water they seem very happy once filled and I gsme them a treat with some frozen food, I can confirm I have 3 fantasy blues I'm sure I have lost at least 1 maybe 2 but the second may be an expert at hiding, the Cuba is doing amazing looked a little pale after the black out but survived and is spreading rapidly I am just waiting on a part for my GoPro camera and once that arrives il do a video from inside the tank.
I am very surprised I have not lost any rasboras to the high nitrite seem perfectly fine like normal but the shrimp seem to be suffering the most

poor things, tomorrow I will go out and buy some foam to cover the filter inlet as a few shrimp have made there way into it I rather not take the risk maybe once the shrimp are bigger and I can get away with it.
Another thing that UV steriliser OMG words can not describe how clear the tank looks, with the low iron glass the tsnk looks like there is no water in it seriously it looks amazing I would highly recommend getting one for any tank not to scprnsivr pretty big unit but so worth it and if u calculate it correctly will provide level 1 steralization and remove bad things from the water colum ie bacteria and viruses.
Il post a picture tomorrow as an update