Fish Crazy
Some excellent info there TwoTankAmin....
I still disagree with the potential amounts for tanks but as i said... certain things work for some where other things work for others.... i personally think you have to many for the tanks you have... however if it works then i see no reason why change is needed.... ive had different experiences and so have many of other zeb breeders i know.... ive kept many over the time, breeders and just groups. Ive had groups in 2 foot (20g) tanks and worked where as a different group just fought like mad in the same size tank.... ive also had a largish group in a 400 litre and again a couple males needed splitting due to fighting.
Although i agree mostly of what you have posted, i think it should be clear that just because your setups have worked, it doesn't mean an exact setup with the same amount of zebs would always work for the next person especially somebody new to zebs like the poster obviously is.
To the flow and filter size..... i agree with you on that one.... however the sponge filters usually added (well in my case) have a bigger area for bacteria growth than your typical internal filter.. but on the other hand sponge filters take up space.. this in smaller tanks to me is quite important, to you it may not be?... that really is personal preference.. neither is wrong. The reason i advised external was you get the best of both worlds.... decent flow and excellent surface area for bacteria growth... no it isn't essential and many people i know also have bare bottom tanks with both air driven and powerhead driven sponges but again it is personal preference.
Ive never been in the mind set of thinking whats bare minimum for the fish kept, why would you go bare minimum if you can give them larger... not exactly restricted in the wild are they?... i also dont really understand the comment about small zebs want small spaces.... this again wouldn't be the case in the wild, they have a vast area they can explore... weather they do or not isn't the point. We cant replicate there habitat we can only try to the best of out ability and giving the species 'bare' minimum size tanks isn't really trying.
Anyways as i said, some excellent info and very helpful but i would never take just one persons setup and say for definite 'that will work' for me or the next person.
Thanks for your thoughts,thats the good thing about forums,different people, different thoughts/experiences.
The internal filter i use has a course foam,a fine foam and Eheim substrat pro,so its the same technology that is used in eheim external filters,i use these as Shrimp like clean water,If this is not enough i will buy a small external.
If in a year or so i feel that the tank is to small,i will upgrade.
I am only having 2 3cm juveniles,once i have these happy and established i will look for a few more,maybe and a larger tank,if the missus will alow.