Yoyo Loaches


New Member
Feb 27, 2010
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im going to put some yoyo loaches in my 47 gallon vertical tank. this tank contains 4 pepered cory's, 12 zebra danio's, and 3 gourami's. i need to know a bit of background info on these yoyo loaches. i was going to get clown loaches but they get too big for the tank. do yoyo loaches eat living plants becuase i have a mix of both live and fake plants? are they agressive towards bigger or smaller fish? when they are bigger will they begin to bully or eat the danio's or anything? do they really eat snails and a good snail patroll so snails dont overpopulate?

those are the basic questions i want answered before anything becuase i did do a little bit of some reaserch on them but those are more specifics so im coming to the experts hehe
They're generally not aggressive. I've got a 75 gal planted tank with yoyos, botia kubotai, botia striata, ottos, bristlenoses, and rainbowfish. Never noticed any fighting, just some occasional chasing over a preferred hiding spot (but that's rare, and never any damage). I've also kept them with cories and livebearers w/o issue.

Botine loaches can punch small holes in broad leaf plants like amazon swords over time, but do no eat them. I've never had an issue with crypts, elodea/anacharis, java ferns, or vals.

All the botine loaches will eat most snails by sucking them out of their shells, especially pond and ramshorn snails. MTS are a little more hit or miss, as they seem to be harder to get to.
Never kept them but this site has some good Loach species data pages and this is there over site of yoyo's,Pakistani Loach or Botia almorhae, :


Regards onebto.
Hi. I have 5 Pakistanis and they're just about fully-grown adults now. They're boisterous but mine don't bother any of the other fish, including tetras I have with them.They only fall out amongst themselves and have a few fights but nothing serious. Great lively fish. Yes they eat snails. I only have plastic plants so can't answer your plant question.
I have had 5 yoyo loaches in my tank for about two months, i have live plants and they dont show any interest in them at all, two of the five have grown very big while one of them doesnt look like he has grown at all. I very rarely see all five of them out together i've only seen them in groups of three.

As I am still quite new to them i can share some of my experiances so far with you,

not one of mine have ever come to the surface when I feed them, i found this quite scary as I didnt know if they were eating, but they obviously were.

They disappear in bogwood for weeks, i was convinced one of mine had died, i got all depressed about it and then one day I saw all five of them at once, i was amazed :)

The love algae wafers, but one of mine seems to bully the others even my b/n and eat it all, they make clicking noises when they eat mabey a sign of aggresion im not to sure

they are very sponaneous they swim around alot up and down the glass like crazy, then they lie down on their sides :crazy: (scared the crap out of me haha)alot of the time they look dead but they are really fine.

other then that they are great community fish, i have them with a b/n, zebra danio and keyhole cichlids and they are fine, they show absoultly no interest in any of the other fish

I hope some of this helps
i have two yoyos that my brother left to me for to care for.
the link above is helpful.
also with my brief knowledge of these fish, i can tell you don't count on them to eat snails. the worst my two do is knock over my mystery snails. i knew it would be safe to put the snails in because my brother got them to eat pond snails that got out of hand, and of course they did not.
sorry i can't be more helpful
i had a small problem with about 12 mystery snails and since my introduction of yoyos have seen none :good:

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