your opinions and experiences

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i eat buttons
Feb 5, 2004
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Funk Town
heres the thing
my life is moving fast right now
i'm completley smitten in love and
my boyfriend (soon to be fiance, hehehe i overheard) and i are planning on moving in together
this won't be happening for another 7-8 months as he needs to pay off his truck loan and save extra money
one of our decisions is that since he works long hours
i really want companionship for when he's not home
a small dog came to mind,
but my worry is that we will not have an acceptable
home for it (apartment with no yard), plus they are oober expensive
cats also came to mind, but my boyfriend hates them
(except the cat i have now) but i can't bring him with us
because he's a family cat
but i want something different
i have fish and my budgie pickle
(who is as tame and friendly as can be)
but not furry and he can't hold still
and cuddle for more then 10 minutes
without poking my eyes, removing my earrings, preening my hair
or anything else he can do to bring me to the brink of insanity
lol, he's very energetic and playful
i've always raised guinea pigs but it is frustrating what a short life they live (the most i've ever had one live is 7 years)
and i thought maybe a ferret would be acceptable (with procations taken of course to baby proof the house and have it kenneled when pickle is out
from my research i realize they are high energy
but my friend jesse's wind down and sleep on you around nap or bed time
i have had nothing but extreme success with everything i have ever tamed
i seem to have a gift with every animal i touch
i am extremley dedicated and put so much time into my animals
i've tamed rats, mice, hamsters, guinea pigs, dogs, cats, crabs, birds, even salamanders, snakes and frogs
i figures i could tame a ferret and litter train it only to be kennelled at night or when pickle flies free

input? :)
In my opinion Pointy Kitty a ferret is the best pet you can own. But you do have to ferret proof all of your house. They can squeeze through the tinest wholes you have ever seen. And you have to keep stuff away from them also. Such as money, rings, shoes, and socks. Mine loves to steal my laundry. But aside from this they are great they like to be loved on all the time and want every bit of your attention. Oh and I am glad to see you back in here...
theres afew cholices

a ferret could be a good one!

there is also a house rabbit.But they can scratch if not socialesed and they also will chew anything :)

i love guinea pigs.They are my fave small pet.They will sit on your knee for hours.Cuddling into you.They talk and chutter on to you and eachother.I had both of mine for 8 years and they didnt ever bite or scratch me.And they have cute little noses.

let us know what you decide
Ferrets are amazing and will befriend you in ways other animals can't. Some of the best years of my life were spent with Herbie, a beautiful little sable boy that left my heart more broken when he decided to go than any human I've ever met. He came to me a runt and bald in a DocMarten's box, and I spent the first two weeks sleeping with my hand in his box (not the shoebox) so he had a warm "body" to sleep with. He was so intuitive (some may say trained) I could just give him a look and he would come running (or knew he was in trouble ;) ). Herbie always accompanied me, whether it was in pocket or in knapsack, to the grocery store, shopping malls, hospitals, even the dentist a few times (curled up in my knapsack on my chest, the dentist was none the wiser). He walked along with me on a little leash like a dog, and stayed curled around my neck when he was tired or if it was too cold. Herbie thought he was a human, and he had my siamese confused into thinking she was a ferret.

He escaped three times from under supervision while I was working. Once he was stolen, another time a police patrol picked him up (at about 3am one night after I demanded they bring bloodhounds to track him down). Herbie made it to about 6, which was 3 years ago.

Then there was Sophie (another sable) along with my current knuckle-head Halo (a cinnamon). I got Sophie when she was older, and she never did care much for men. She was quite the nonchalant biter, being playful and loveable, and in a very non-threatening way would suddenly sink her teeth in, drawing blood at times :crazy: (lower calves were her favorite). She was about 8 when I had her put down (BTW, the most difficult thing I have ever done), cancer had taken her whole little body.

Now it is only Halo, and probably then no more. I am not trying to be negative, but they don't live a very long time, 7-8 years is very old for one to be. I love these little critters so much, sure is hard to see them pass away.

Sorry I made this post so long, I just wanted to share some wonderful experiences I have had. IMHO, the endearing love and companionship you will receive from one of these animals is truly worth the wretching heartbreak.

Good luck whatever your decision. Regards.
i'm completley enchanted by your stories
as silly as it sounds they are very farmiliar to me as i share this same bond with my guinea pigs,
most overlook their true personality, and inquisitions
hearing that ferrets have about the same lifespan as a guinea pig
i am thinking i will hold off on the ferret possibley
i will for sure one day own them
but i already have everything i need for a guinea pig, all the knowledge and they only cost $14
as appose to a ferret,
i have never owned one so i am needing a ton of research, all the supplies not to mention before the vet checks and shots they sell here for about $399 +
i am going to be moving out with my boyfriend after living with my parents for 20 years,
money will be tight

but thank you so much for your thoughts
i am very much encouraged once i get more on my feet to own my own ferret
ok itsgreat that your going to wait and not just rush out and get a pet that you mabe dont have the money for at the moment :D

are you getting a guinea pig or do you already have one?
HI :)

For the future-
Just a heads up Ferrets have a very very original smell, even after they are descented. Females have to be either spayed or breed when they first go into heat or they can actually die from the overload of hormones. They have a very similar imune system as humans so unlike cats and dogs can actually catch and give stuff to humans, such as a common cold. If your ok with all of that then they are TRUELY wonderful pets.

I got mine when I was 14, she would always crawl up into my shirt to take naps so I would tuck her into my sports bras and walk around with her lol. I must have looked like such a freak :). I was super lucky she never once bit anybody, and was litter box trained tho she couldnt hold it long so we had to have a box in each room. She showered with me daily so she just smelled like baby shampoo. She had a million little stuffed animals which she kept tucked up in our hidda bed couchm till she wanted to play. So cute when they hop and squeek, SO MUCH ATTIDTUDE, can tell you exactly what they want.

:( :sad: She lived with us for just over 7 years, then she got out one day and a neighbor doggy got her. :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: :sad: . I have never thought of getting another cause she was just too special to me to replace. Gots fish now and cats.
:grr: i had a ferret a few months back ... i handled it EVERY single day tookit on the lead EVERY SINGLE day :yes: ... then all of asudden one day it got out of its cage and attcked every1 ... it chased me up aladder to bite me !!!!! .... i then chuked a obx over it and had 2 take it to the vet so that it kcould be put to sleep :( .... i was soo gutted :(
germanshepherdlver said:
ok itsgreat that your going to wait and not just rush out and get a pet that you mabe dont have the money for at the moment :D

are you getting a guinea pig or do you already have one?

i've had guinea pigs my entire life, except for now
i don't have one right now
i am 20 years old and live at home
my dad is a nauzy with whatever he can get away with
he's very millitant
when my last guinea pig died of old age he promised i could get another since i was devastated, then kept making excuses and stalling, then finally said no
i take better care of my animals then anyone else i know
so its not the case that i am incapable
he just said, and i quote "quite being f***ing immature
your 20 you don't need a guinea pig, you don't have time for one, your priority as long as you live here is work and being cinderella"
(as long as i live at home, no matter how long i work during the day, even 12hour shifts, i am the "maid" of the house since i don't pay rent
welshy_2k5 said:
:grr: i had a ferret a few months back ... i handled it EVERY single day tookit on the lead EVERY SINGLE day :yes: ... then all of asudden one day it got out of its cage and attcked every1 ... it chased me up aladder to bite me !!!!! .... i then chuked a obx over it and had 2 take it to the vet so that it kcould be put to sleep :( .... i was soo gutted :(

thats terrible
how old was it?
where did you get it?
where you the first owner?
who all did he come in contact with? (children? multiple people..)

i may not know a ton on ferrets specifically but i am a fountain of animal knowledge and information
do your chinchillas let you hold them? I used to house sit for a friend with one. It chewed everything including all the plaster off the corners of her walls, and was very unfriendly. The closest thing to holding was when it bounced off of someone on its way thru the room. They are super cute tho, and I always wanted one till I met hers lol.

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