Your Opinion

Think its really wrong?

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  • No thats screwed up.

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Fish Crazy
Apr 8, 2004
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I recently saw a video on youtube of a guy feeding a live mouse to a group of pirahnas. The poor thing was trying to swim out of the tank, and honestly I felt terrible after watching it, I thought that it was really screwed up and that you should at least have some decency and feed the things feeder fish, not a mouse.

**Edit** I kinda screwd up the question - say yes if you think its justified, or say no if you think its screwed up.
OK the vote for yes was me.....then I read your post!! :)

Its completely uncalled for when you can buy baby mice (dead) and in groups of about 50 in bags in your pet store.
The person who ever filmed that want's to be ashamed of themselves.
I watched about 20 seconds of it and couldnt take no more, that cruelty in my eyes and there no need for it.
Wants removing of the net completely.
No chance i think it wrong big time i new someone months ago that had 10 pirahnas and he put a few live things in the tank ( not when i was there tho no way ) he used to feed them gold fish whitch i think is the most wrong thing in this world now 3 of my gold fish are from him ( i saved them and there doing great ) i had half a tail left when i saved it and the other 2 was still hiding in the tank trying to get away but least they safe now
his pirahnas are now dead so the gold fish are safe at the mo

but getting back to this mouse with pirahnas i own a 5ft corn snake ( not the biggest snake out there but still eats rats ) but i would never dream about give that a live rat and snakes only eat rats so putting a live one in with pirahnas is just wrong i think
ive seen the vid you are talking about and its not good :crazy:

the way i see things is in the wild the gold fish , rat or any other live food has a chance of getting away so in a tank with pirahnas its not got a chance so just feed them frozen if they can live on it they will only eat things they are feed from babys :good:

here we go again with everyone wanting censorship of the internet.

I don't agree with it and couldn't do it myself but to each their own I guess.

Edit from here and below----
No chance i think it wrong big time i new someone months ago that had 10 pirahnas and he put a few live things in the tank ( not when i was there tho no way ) he used to feed them gold fish whitch i think is the most wrong thing in this world now 3 of my gold fish are from him ( i saved them and there doing great ) i had half a tail left when i saved it and the other 2 was still hiding in the tank trying to get away but least they safe now
his pirahnas are now dead so the gold fish are safe at the mo

but getting back to this mouse with pirahnas i own a 5ft corn snake ( not the biggest snake out there but still eats rats ) but i would never dream about give that a live rat and snakes only eat rats so putting a live one in with pirahnas is just wrong i think
ive seen the vid you are talking about and its not good :crazy:

the way i see things is in the wild the gold fish , rat or any other live food has a chance of getting away so in a tank with pirahnas its not got a chance so just feed them frozen if they can live on it they will only eat things they are feed from babys :good:

Good post. :good:

PS. Not being sarcastic. What I typed up top wasn't for your post. It automatically added your quote to my post since I wanted to post again and noone else posted after me.
It wants removing from the net as it encourages people who have no respect for living animals, to do it in the name of fun.
It wants removing from the net as it encourages people who have no respect for living animals, to do it in the name of fun.

I understand why you want that and I'm sorry you're the one who posted it and I replied to as it was meant more for the last thread that was talking about piranhas that it was mainly meant for.

If it were up to me, people like that wouldn't be allowed to have piranhas. That would be better, imo.

Over my years of keeping piranhas and of all the people I've run across, those that do this kind of thing have small egos and are trying to be cool with a big bad piranha that can consume humans in seconds. They don't stay in the hobby long and are definitely not pure piranha keepers nor do they care about the fish.

I'm overly sensitive when it comes to piranhas and I find it sickening how they are abused as they are my favorite fish. I still remember the thread in this forum where it showed piranhas being abused and people laughed at it. Noone cares about piranhas because they are ignorant of them and they are stereotyped.
Sorry to go off one one but I get so angry when people find torturing any living creature is fun to watch.

I don't understand wanting a piranha, but I wouldn't stop people having them, if they knew there needs and well looked after.
But not a live mouse or goldfish.
Sorry to go off one one but I get so angry when people find torturing any living creature is fun to watch.

I don't understand wanting a piranha, but I wouldn't stop people having them, if they knew there needs and well looked after.
But not a live mouse or goldfish.

I agree wholeheartedly with you. You're a great poster, help many people and have a huge heart, I've seen your posts.

I shouldn't have quoted you at all and regret it. I'm sorry. I am against all forms of censorship on the internt tho because where would we stop? If it's legal it should be allowed. Let's get these scumbags to get rid of the fish and not be able to keep them. That would do more as if you just delete it from the internet, they will still be abusing mice in their home, you and I just won't be able to see it.

I am just tired of all the stereotyping and bad press of the piranhas on this forum. people go to another site, see something like that (This was just talked about not too long ago also) and then post it here and everyones horrified by it. Then people stereotype piranhas even more and don't want to learn about them and hate them more.

If you saw my piranhas or anyones that had them that cared about them, you'd change your mind. You may not want one but you will actually see why others may want one.

they aren't the ferocious killers and most but not all are very shy. I only feed live fish when I have some serra species will only eat live fish until you wean them. Sometimes it takes a week,month or half a year, especially with a Serra rhombeus or elongatus. (I've fasted my last rhom almost 5 weeks to try and break him but it didn't work so I gave in but kept trying) I was lucky with the one I have now, it only took 2 months but you can believe he'll never eat live fish again. So just because I keep piranhas doesn't mean I enjoy abusing or am a bad person and the same with others that keep them.
I agree piranha don't get a good press, never want to keep one to be honest as it not in my nature to want to own well lets say a killer fish.
But I agree there alot of ignornance about them, some people just want them to get a thrill out of the kill, not saying you but some just want them for that reason
Did you no most serial killers start of torturing amimals.
I agree piranha don't get a good press, never want to keep one to be honest as it not in my nature to want to own well lets say a killer fish.
But I agree there alot of ignornance about them, some people just want them to get a thrill out of the kill, not saying you but some just want them for that reason
Did you no most serial killers start of torturing amimals.

The only press piranhas get is when it's bad. Kind of like pitbulls.

Unfortunately, the keepers I previously described do more damge than they know when they do things like that and post it for everyone else to see and you are exactly right, they only have one for the thrill of the kill. Almost all piranha keepers I know will never feed live fish because they care about their piranhas health and know it's not very nutritious for them anyways.

I did know most serial killers start out by torturing animals. I just learned that not too long ago and I think it was in a Jeffrey Dahmer (sp?) bio that I heard it.

I will probably post in every negative piranha thread here. it's not because of any other reason other than that I love piranhas and want people to know they aren't what they've heard. Some species can be but I wouldn't tell everyone to get that kind if that's not what they're looking for. I hope not to make any enemies in the process but if I can make just 1 person at least think about learning about them, then I would consider that progress for piranhas.

Even tho I only keep piranhas now and only the most aggressive cichlids, I'll let you in on a little secret...I can't watch Animal Planet because I cry every time I see an animal abused or hurt.

I do care about animals. :)
I didn't know piranha could be shy.
I agree you sound very caring yourself, and i'm glad you weaned them off live fish.
Its the people like him who fillmed that vdeo with the mouse that do the damage to these type of fish.
I didn't know piranha could be shy.
I agree you sound very caring yourself, and i'm glad you weaned them off live fish.
Its the people like him who fillmed that vdeo with the mouse that do the damage to these type of fish.

Yes, some are very shy. :)

Redbelley's are probably the most shy of all. I have some now that are about average in shynes. I can walk by the tank and they'll watch me, if 3 or 4 people walk by they swim behind the plants and huddle up as close to each other as they can. You can see the fear in them.

If I turn on the lights full blast (normal lighting for tropical fish) they are much more skittish and instantly hide. They are a lot more skittish in the light so I put electrical tape on it so it dims it.

If I sneak up on the aquarium and am on my knees they do better. I can put the tip of my finger against the glass and they will come up to it and investigate it. If I put my whole hand up there they scatter for their lives.

When doing wc's I just make sure to feed first and I put my hand anywhere in there without a worry. rbp's can take your finger off but that's about all but they scatter so frantically that they slam the glass in fear to get away from me. Larger ones aren't so bad but they aren't the bravest of fish either.

I got a Serrasalmus rhombeus (Black rhom) a couple months ago, he was 2". To this day he stays in the corner and hides. If I even turn around to look at him he scatters to the corner. It may be up to another half a year for him to change his ways and get used to his tank. I've heard of some peoples rhoms go up to a year before trusting them. When I drop food in there I have to back away and not look at him before he'll come down to eat the shrimp. If I ever plan on moving him it may have to start all over again but usually mature rhoms are ok.

Now, usually a rhom will change at the 5-6" stage and get extremely aggressive and I'll have to block him off to do wc's because I've heard in 2 bites they can take your hand off at the wrist. Piranhas are extremely quick. I can have my hand in the tank and he can be at the other side of a 75g tank and they swim so fast I can't see him move and he can bite me before I can take my hand out, so you have to take precautions.

elongatus and sanchezi's are a lot more outgoing and tend to be finger chasers right away.

These are generalizations in my 16 years of piranha keeping and if they go without food for 4 days or more they get more brave but this is what they are usually like for me.

I bet you didn't know they were so skittish and afraid of you did ya? :)
Great post, Gatorbait, didn't knew you knew so much about piranhas, I didn't know they could take your hand off in two bites.

As for the mouse, I hate it when people do things like that. I don't watch animal planet anymore after Steve Irwin's death (he was my idol :( ) and all the animal cruelty shows that are on now. I can't stand that people are so mean to animals like that. I remember one of my friends did a science project with goldfish and how caffeine affected them and I was ready to call the RSPCA on her because she was keeping them in small, unfiltered bowls. Piranhas and goldfish are the most misunderstood fish ever, I hate it so much.

Sorry this was more of a rant than anything, but it makes me so angry that people could feed a mouse to piranhas just for entertainment.
This reminds me of a comment I made once. I feed my smallmouth bass feeder minnows now and then, and when I told people, they had no troubles. Once, someone who kept bettas was annoying me- so I mentioned I should feed a betta to it, and they all freaked out. Why would you be mad over feeding a betta to my fish, but not the feeder fish?

It's a touchy subject, but I agree that the videos were disgusting. The rat one was uncalled for definitely, and so was the oscar. They intentionally fed them to see something get killed, and they intentionally did it to video tape it. Why else would you buy something that takes a minute to kill and rip apart? It's one thing when your feeding it a fish that is killed or eaten instantly, but it's another when you intentionally do it to see something slowly die. Watch the oscar one, it sits on the bottom and it's still breathing after being basically shredded apart.

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