Your first fish

First Ever Fish|Small Goldfish I killed with Cherrios(Who puts a 3 year old in the same house with cereal and a live fish?)
First Fish I Remember|Black Butterfly Moor named Squirmy
3 black fin sharks in a 10g :rofl:

not cyled, no decholranizer, just hardcore!

bought them from wal-mart :)
When I was 19, I started out with a one gallon tank with one black skirt tetra........within a week I had a 10 gallon and within less than 2 months had 2 30 gallon tanks, 1 25 gallon tanks, 1 18 gallon (tall) tank, 2 ten gallon tanks, and several bettas in various small tanks.

Yeah, I was addicted from the start and 12 years later, I still am!
common goldfish. got killed by a fancy goldfish which then starved.

my first tropical fish were ( all in a 10 gallon only set up for one day. sorry) 2 swordtails (one got stuck under a rock, the other was killed by a betta), 2 danios (i have 1, 1 got eaten by something), 2 neons (died), 1 honey gourami( died a few months ago of bacterial infection)
I had 4 goldfish and 1 betta, one of the goldfish is huge now, and Ive only had him for a year. i had fish in the past, but I dont remeber them, so they just dont count.
My first fish - feederfish from walmart (not a discusting one)
Second fish - five painted glassfish in a 2 gal
Third fish (and first survivor) - A betta that lived until a friend who was fishysitting forgot him in his car overnight.

Two years later, and still considering all the other fish "bad luck"...
1st - A molly and a tiger barb in a 1 gal
2nd - 2 guppies in a 5 gal (finally learning about cycling)
3rd - 2 zebra danios (eventually 3) in a 5 gal, and these guys survived
Started with 3 goldfish in a bowl.

Gave them away and got tropical tanks, I now have 3 other goldfish and no, they are not in a bowl lol.

Far as I know they are still alive hehehe.
my fire eel was my first fish about a year ago.would'nt swap him for anything.if anyone ever wants something a little bit different,i would say,get a eel of some kind :nod:
A goldfish from a county fair who died the next day because I didn't know
I had to dechlorinate the water :(

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