You Know You're Addicted To Bettas When...


The Betta Bug Has Bitten... Resistence Is Futile
Jan 26, 2007
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My Bettas House In New York
-You wake up in the middle of the night because you had the urge to watch your betta
-You examine every container you find for its betta tank potential
-You find betta pellets in your shoes, sock drawer etc.
-When someone makes you angry you try to flare at them
-You spend more then 2 hours a day on a betta forum

...add some more :good: ...
you spend more money on bettas than you do on yourself

haha i'll agree to that! Although i do that with all my animals!! :nod: :fun:

~ you find betta food bottles all over your room
~ you find pellets on your computer desk
When your betta tank takes pride of place in the dining room and you insist on everyone addressing him formally each morning, as if he were a member of the family. :shifty:
When you start stacking little betta tanks in the hope that hubby wont notice... :hyper:
HAHA, this is hilarious! have now come to the point where your "honey, we need to talk", talks, start out with "the REASON I need another betta is because..." find yourself daydreaming (while at work) of inventing a fish cam so you can watch your bettas from work. are on the fish forum more often than not at work, and downsize it when people come in..only because being on the fish forum makes you feel closer to your little kiddos at home while you're not with them (and you actually call them kiddos). have to catch yourself from hiding the receipts from the lfs so husband won't see them, mostly because you got in an argument 3 days before and PROMISED not to buy anything else relating to fish...

...your husband has had a sit down talk with you about how he's concerned the fish obsession will never end... see increasing potential in your husband starting to like your babies after all..

...when you get home the first thing you do is kick your shoes off and run (literally run) into the other room to see your babies..

..when you see them you say things like "theres my little fishkins!!!"...

ok, maybe I am just very pathetic.. maybe we need to have children... :blush: :hyper: :good: :shout:

Jaded_ It's funny you say "wake up in the middle of the night"...I have literally woken up before just to check on my babies...very sad huh

Oh one more...

...when you tell your mother in law that fish are "your new hobby" she rolls her eyes and gives a partial worred look and says "much more than just a hobby.."...

Still not sure what she meant by that, but I have to agree. Pretty sure I'm alone on that one though :rolleyes:
well fortunatly my fiance is into fish, though prefers cichlids, he does have 3 bettas :D So he has to convince me that he needs more tanks for his cichlids just as much as I need to convince him I need more room for my bettas.
-(if you cant drive)anytime you're in a five mile radius of a store that just happens to carry quality bettas, you beg your parent(s) to stop pleading "five more minutes!" and when (s)he finally agrees and says "every minute we're in there over five minutes, you owe me a dollar" and you end up spending a half an hour in there because (s)he found another animal to look at :lol: .

yes that's what actually happens with me... :blush:
Haha that's funny!

Ok another one to add: beg your husband to "drop by" the lfs on the way home from work, and tell him that you "pROMISE to only be a second", and come out an hour later (as usual) apologizing left and right, with more gadgets or fish in tow. This is (of course) followed by your husband gently rolling his eyes and laughing because he knew it would happen. ..but I'm getting better. I no longer make him wait in the car, I just go on Saturdays...... :blink:

Haha tropical, that's funny!

Ok another one to add: beg your husband to "drop by" the lfs on the way home from work, and tell him that you "pROMISE to only be a second", and come out an hour later (as usual) apologizing left and right, with more gadgets or fish in tow. This is (of course) followed by your husband gently rolling his eyes and laughing because he knew it would happen. ..but I'm getting better. I no longer make him wait in the car, I just go on Saturdays...... :blink:
You stop hiding new shoes in the bottom of the wardrobe and start hiding betta food/bowls/ornaments for bowls instead.

Every conversations starts with "Ive seen this tank on ebay...."

"I promise not to buy any more fish darling" While crossing your fingers/legs/eyes :rolleyes:
hehe, wish me luck, I'm going to the lfs tonight. I need major prayers, hub is sending me out by myself, he should know by now that it isn't a smart thing to do. I have a list in my head of things to get...maybe he's just given up...
hehe, wish me luck, I'm going to the lfs tonight. I need major prayers, hub is sending me out by myself, he should know by now that it isn't a smart thing to do. I have a list in my head of things to get...maybe he's just given up...

hehe, if you get anything new (*cough*bettas*cough*) make sure to post pictures!
- you cant think of any more betta names because theyve all been used

- Your mom drives the long way AROUND the lfs so you wont wanna go in

- your mom gets your fish supplies without you so you wont wanna go in and get another

- You cant wait for garage sale time so you can get more 1 gallonm tanks for 50 cents

- You ask you grandpa ro built barracks for you

- he unfortunatly agrees and you spend 3 hours discuesing it

- you get depressed when one of your bettas is depressed

- You make your parents put the maynoise in a tubawair container so that you can have another betta :blush:

- Your parents insist on NO more bettas and the next day you get 2-3 more

- You never buy bettas 1 at a time, always 2-3 at a time

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