You ate my guppies and a Mollies!?!

spanky_pp_ said:
:eek: :wub: You are my first forum helpers thankyou. Great information and ideas.
Ive got the urge to go and buy one now, but its 1.15 am in the morning, and not all aquatic cetres are open at this time.

Im going to get a male and a female betta, and try and breed them. I also want to get s few rosy barbs i think they are called. IS that a goos or bad idea..?

Thanks again youve made my day.xxxxxxxxxxxx :fish: :fish: :fish:
If you want to breed them one good idea is to have a 10 gal tank with an opaque divider. That way you can remove the divider when you want the male and female to get together and you can replace it afterwards (the male will kill the female if she is not receptive and sometimes when she is). This also means you have the advantages of a bigger tank (more water to dilute any toxins, bigger filter etc) whilst keeping the bettas seperated. Make sure you have a secure lid - in order to get the fry to adulthood you need them to breathe in warm air so draughts are potentially fatal.
tribalsilver_shark said:
hello may i just add to what alien anna has said which is totaly right but
just to add you shouldnt really keep more then 1 fighter in a tank as
the male will ALLWAYS kill another male .also in the end he will even kill the female fighter

Temperament: Generally peaceful. DO NOT keep more than one male fighter in the same tank as they will spread their fins, flare their gills and kill each other. DO NOT keep male fighters with female fighters unless breeding is intended as the male will kill the female. Several females can be kept together. Male Fighters should not be kept with species that have large fins such as the Angelfish. :-( :sad:

p.s my fiance is bristolian where you @
Tribal silver shark!!! IM from Fishponds, But i dont, DONT have the awfall accent!!! Wheres your girl from?

Thanks for the advice too
:D :p :D Thanks guys a mixed reception there! Pretty confused now. Heh. I have taken into account that each betta has different personality. Like humans.

I think i will buy one male first. I will also buy a few more neons and small things like that.
I fancied a Rosy barb or two, is that advised if i had a male betta!? :unsure: :rolleyes:

Ive had fish now for about 7 years, but its only since ive beenon this site that ive wanted to get more and also more variety!!!

Thanks for all the feedback. Its mixed, but is all clear when read a few times.

cheers guys you rule
:fish: :fish: :fish: :hooray:
just to give my opinion again
i would agree with most of wot alien anna says but i do know 3 ppl with fighters in the same tank'
the way to get round this (if your lucky it could go wrong )is buy a almost full grown female (much calmer then the male )then buy yourself a male fighter as small as you can .in the end the male will grow with the older female betta becoming like a mother and friends .but then they will breed

it is only a good idea for having 2 (male and female ) if you want to breed if you dont want to go thru buying more tanks caring for the fry dont buy 2 ;)

also they are such beuatifull fish its nice to only have 1 in small tank
if not get a larger tank and get it devided into 2 /3 sections then you can keep 3 of them in 1 tank but make sure its large like 4foot or longer
haha lier ooooohhhh areeee farmer giles er fancy a ride on my cumbine harvister

only joking i love it hehe
shesfrom whichtchurch ? sorry bad speling a nd north somthing i would ask but shes at college

i know the town well and few the pubs
p.s its not tribal silver shark lol its (tricolor bala silver /shark=the same fish)tribalsilver
are'nt bettas really hard to breed?

They are egg layers and when the babies are born
you they eat pond bacteria for the first few days
of thier lives or somthing like that.
No one mentoined it.
is that true?
haaris said:
are'nt bettas really hard to breed?

They are egg layers and when the babies are born
you they eat pond bacteria for the first few days
of thier lives or somthing like that.
No one mentoined it.
is that true?
;) Haaris, i think that the bettas arent too hard from what i have been reading. Nobody has yet commented before you that it is the more difficult. I do belive you, ive had no other information to say that i shouldn't.

Ive read that the male makes an "air pocket" in a tank, which then the female lays her eggs, and the male collects them, and puts them in his lovely air pocket. Once she had layed the eggs, you remove her..

I then think, correct me if im wrong, the eggs only take 48 hours to hatch into little betta fry. Which seems a very short amount of time!

What does everybody else think or know?

:fish: :fish: :fish:
yep i think your very correct i dont know much on these fish as well i dont have any and dont have room untill i buy another tank.
if you have a male and female in a 3 ft tank and seperate them the mail will show off by showing his colors and fins to her and make the air sack (if shes interested).
then put them together but only for a short time the female will lay eggs into his air sack but you must then REMOVE her as he is the fry guard and will kill her if he thinks she wants to eat his fry :crazy: :unsure: :blink:

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