Yf Can Taste The Salt..

my birthdays not untill 13 september but ill start a new thread when i get him with pics and stuff
my birthdays not untill 13 september but ill start a new thread when i get him with pics and stuff
Ok, I just took a look at where Mr.Big Hermit was chilling, and there seems to be another set of legs and kind of body?
Im guessing this means he has shed? As he is still in him shed but right next to this thing, why do hermits do this?
Is it a good sign? Is this why he hasnt really been active?

they shed in order to grow.

the 'shell' is in fact their skeleton (exoskeleton to be precise) therefore they shed their skin. after they have shed they are soft and very vunerable to predators for a while hence they tend to hide away for 24 hours or so. in this time they 'push' themselves out a bit (i.e. 'grow') until their new 'shell' hardens.

at least thats how i see it.
Is it bad that he hasnt change shells then? God, why hasnt my smaller hermit done this, the big hermit is big enough! Lol.
He is in the bottom side of the tank, quite dark area that prob why he has gone there, although is the side where my door is so when I walk in etc. its right where he is, but I know T (my clown) doesnt go down there.

Is it bad that he hasnt change shells then? God, why hasnt my smaller hermit done this, the big hermit is big enough! Lol.
He is in the bottom side of the tank, quite dark area that prob why he has gone there, although is the side where my door is so when I walk in etc. its right where he is, but I know T (my clown) doesnt go down there.


My hermits have shed without necessarily changing shells. They usually change shells when they are too big for the old one, and sometimes they do it even when their current shell is fine. One of my hermits shed, remained in the same shell, about a week later decided to change shell and then 3 days later changed again!

Ok, remember a while back I spotted a crab, well it was out in the open today, We thought it was dead, so we took it out of the tank and it curled its legs in so we put it back in and its laying at the bottom so we will see if its still alive.

Its about just under an inch, it looks to have a dark brown body and kind of grey squares running down the centre of its shell like a pattern. I carnt get a photo because it wont focus, any ideas?

rule of thumb if it has big claws get it out to be on the safe side
if it has black claws get it out to be on the safe side

i think if it has red eyes its bad (get a second opinion on this one)

if its back legs are flatish then it could b e a swimmer crab so get it out
It has red eyes, big claws and there black.
Out it comes!

What kind of damage could it of done? As it was in my tank since the start.

normally with that combo they grow into fish eaters
Ok its out, although it was dead. Im just starting to wonder what killed the crab, as it was right at the front on a peice of rock at the side of the cave, where there are not bits he could of been hiding in. Its like somthing grabbed him and dragged him there?

odd maybe a mantis shrimp

now ive creeped you out havnt i

in all seriouseness it could be but i think you would of seen a mantis it was probably looking for food and it died also check your stats
It was definatly a crab bae, It must of been dead not 5 minutes before I noticed it, (I check my tank way to much).

Also, the remains of my hermits body (the one he shedded) should I take it out, or will somthing have a nice meal on it?

no i meant maybe theres a mantis in there that killed it but i doubt it

also the hermit will probaly eat the shell to regain the minirals and stuff it lost

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