Yf Can Taste The Salt..

I have wshed it through in salt water. I think im going to buy marine flakes and use them.
And hopefuly in the next couple of weeks get some live brine shrimp as it would be easier wouldnt it?


Just wondering whats the best live food to culture that all my marine fish and tropical fish would enjoy, im thinking brine shrimp?
Nice fish, Clowns sometimes refuse flake and prepared food for a while, i find the best way to get them feeding is to start with live brine, then move onto frozen and try pellets after. Mine dont seem to like flakes at all. New era pellets are reccomended though.
Mine wont take flake or pellets as of yet adult brineshrimp they adore but to be honest they go mad for copepods and rotifers.
huh wierd my clowns always been a greedy sood eats owt

got some new coral yf that would be your clowns dream lol a 11 inch wide hairy toadstall (for 31.00)
The BS will be OK de-frosted for up-to 24 hours, after that it will be scrap. The less time it's sitting around tough, the better.
So, a day from hell today tbh.
I have found 1 dead nass and 1 dead cerith, The cerith has been dead about 2 days, I just thought it wasnt moving much.
The nass I noticed this morning, it was fine about 5am, and dead by about 9am. I also have PURE bad algea on the glass.
And have quite abit of brown algea on some of the sand, it appears so quick!
Also, this might sound weird but one of the small nass snails was litrally floating in the air, but not moving loads.
It was just like in the same place just randomlly floating, then I moved it abit with my algea scraper and it went down the bottom, and carried on moving about, I havnt a clue what happend there, like it was trapped in an invisible cob web.
I am currently waiting for the test results of my tank, as you have to wait 20 minutes for ammonia results, so I will post them ASAP.
Personally - I think its caused (the algea) by to much daylight, as I have the main lights on about 10 hours a day, and the moonlights when I sleep so from about 9:30pm to 9:30am when I get back from work and turn the mains on.
I think the snails have died for high nitrates, so im going to fix the nitrate test and give it a reading.
I just think the snails + algea both came at once so im thinking high nitrates, but I could be wrong.
Also, my big hermit is normally very active, but today for about 10 minutes it didnt move, then he dissapeared competly in his shell, and came out after about 5 minutes moving again, and then I went out - came home and carnt spot him so im not sure about him.

Anybody have any ideas?

odd probably is the nitrates

also water zoo has a hermit you would love yf its like the size of a fist and the shell aint that big 30 quid mind
Waiting for those test results - have you tested for phosphates? i'm wondering if the rowa needs changing earlier than expected?

I would do a big water change, have you got any?

Seffie x

I have no water atm, I will test the phosphates now.
Ammonia - 0
Nitrite - 0
And bae, I hate hermits lol.

yeah i now i was messing
Just waiting for results for phosphates, as test was abit dodgy, the 3rd one that you have to add, I had to play about with it as loads had leaked before I bought it so had dried up so had to sort it out. So will give you the results ASAP. Also, In the back 4 chambers, when I looked the other day it looked like there was some sort of thin layer or somthing on top of the water, but the main tank surface was fine, it was just the back bit, any ideas?


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