Ok guys - I didnt really sleep last night, my room was pitch black so I thought "I will get my red torch and see whats going on" And OMG! You know the crab I removed, there was another twice its size! It hides in a tiny circle on a rock and it can completly fit in there so you can only just see its shell. It was coming out not leaving its burrow very far, and picking off the rock. I dont have a clue how im going to remove this, as everytime there was a noise in my room he shot straight back into his hole. Any ideas on how to catch him? Also im noticing alot of what looks to be coraline algea, im just hoping it is coraline and not diatoms. And whoah, I hope that Joes Juice hurrys up because everyday I am noticing more and more aiptasia! Ooo, Also I witnessed my clownfish picking off some copepods today so im happy, there are tons of copepods now, and I have like 3 varietys of worms and seriously, some are a good 10 inch. Also, you know how I told you the starfish was on my mushroom? Well now its moved to a different part of the mushroom and whee it was it looks like the mushroom is all "stringy" in a way. Any ideas?