Marine Keeper..
Fair enough, wohoo just saw mr.hermit munching on some green algea, now hes came to the front to see what im doing.

Fair enough, wohoo just saw mr.hermit munching on some green algea, now hes came to the front to see what im doing.
I have two snails on the glass, Im not sure what they are though, probably Nass or dove if they are small - if they are brown they are nass if whiteish than Dove.
I have another one with a long narrow shell, but I also forgot what thats called. Cerith
There is a large shell thats empty, Did it have anything in it seffie? No it's just in there for the hermits
I have also saw brittle stars, some kind of bugs that look like centipedes.
- Isint the moonlight just as good at night? Just the moonlight, not the main light. If you a have a blue torch and turn all the lights off you will probably be amazed.
Try a red torch YF you'll see lots and lots![]()
Why do you people have colorful lights laying around your house lol.
I only have white standard lights, I guess its another investment.
Ok a quick question, im going camping friday night till sunday, will the lights be ok on or off?
If they need to be on a certain time I will sort somthing on.
If I leave the lights off for two days, is there anything bad that could happen?
And seffie + trod, I want to come up to your house just to see what stuff you have lying around.