Yet Another Stocking Question!


Mostly New Member
Aug 6, 2014
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Hi all,

I've recently set up and cycled my second tank. I have had a non-planted tank for a few months and saw a good deal on a second tank so I've gone for a planted set up.

It is 100-110 litres in size and is long as opposed to tall.

I've got moderately soft water and a sand substrate.

For stocking I am considering:

8-12 Rummy nose tetra
6-8 cories (not sure what type yet, LFS has a few days varieties! )
4 Otos
A couple of Nerites

I have 2 honey gourami in my other thank (1 male 1 female) and I may move across one as the male spends a lot of time chasing the other around!

Any thoughts or other recommendations?

(I have loads of pictures of the setting up but can't figure posting images, is there a thread on how to do it?)
The stocking sounds fine to me except for the Oto's, they don't do well in new set ups so if you really want some I'd wait a good few months before adding them & get 6 as they do better in larger numbers.
i agree with lilefishy i would recommend only taking 1 gourami the female would be better as she wouldn't be very hostile 
are gouramis usually aggressive then i thought they were good community fish?
delkimgreen1 said:
are gouramis usually aggressive then i thought they were good community fish?
It varies from species to species, but in general, male gourami are territorial.  Much like most cichlids in fact.  And many aquarists have had a male gourami kill other gourami and sometimes other fish species.  Knowing the species before acquiring can save a lot of grief.
Byron said:
are gouramis usually aggressive then i thought they were good community fish?
It varies from species to species, but in general, male gourami are territorial.  Much like most cichlids in fact.  And many aquarists have had a male gourami kill other gourami and sometimes other fish species.  Knowing the species before acquiring can save a lot of grief.
Ok thanks for that i got two gouramis of different species and they did spend a lot of time chasing off both other fish and also each other, new tank and first few fish so lost both gouramis but probably in light of what you say not bother to replace them.

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