Yellowtail Congo Tetras (Alestopetersius Caudalis) Joined The Party To

N0body Of The Goat

Oddball and African riverine fish keeper
Apr 1, 2010
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I came home with six today, with at least five left in the shop tank. They seem to have settled in much quicker than the Opsarius pair did, if fact the submissive pulchellus seems positively over the moon to have some more fishy company in the tank and is swimming with the group so far tonight!

If anyone else has any, I would love to read your experience of them. Part of me wonders whether I should bring the group of eleven back together, obviously giving the bacteria colony in the Rio 240 time to catch up (all being well, the Pearl Danio adults are coming out of quarantine this coming weekend and I could house the remaining five at the shop in QT)...

I have two male congos and three females... I think the females, which were purchased on a separate trip to the lfs might be yellow tails since they have an overall yellowish hue. I LOVE MY CONGOS. They are active and beautiful and nuts for food. I feed, among other things, these shrimp pellets which they will carry around the tank, playing keep away from each other. They act like basketball players. Great fish and I plan to get a couple more. Lost one to some sort of mouth rot that so far has not spread to anyone else in the tank. They are not overly skittish in my tank.

I have a 60 gallon with 2 angels, 3 apistos, 4 corys, 1 bn, nerite snails and amano shrimp.

The angels spawned and the congos are hanging close to see when they get to get in there for a snack.

I have two male congos and three females... I think the females, which were purchased on a separate trip to the lfs might be yellow tails since they have an overall yellowish hue. I LOVE MY CONGOS. They are active and beautiful and nuts for food. I feed, among other things, these shrimp pellets which they will carry around the tank, playing keep away from each other. They act like basketball players. Great fish and I plan to get a couple more. Lost one to some sort of mouth rot that so far has not spread to anyone else in the tank. They are not overly skittish in my tank.

I have a 60 gallon with 2 angels, 3 apistos, 4 corys, 1 bn, nerite snails and amano shrimp.

The angels spawned and the congos are hanging close to see when they get to get in there for a snack.

Embarrasingly, I've had some for 10 months and didn't realise they were congo's - LFS didn't really talk me through it and I was a little naive. Have to say that started with 4 yellow tail and 2 normal congo tetra. Then one congo tetra passed away in the heat ofthe summer and I got two more - now 3 of each after one of the yellow tail tetra got himself stuck behind one of my filters!

They are generally good together bu keep in two separate scholes generally.

As above - love food!
Blimey, you are the first forum member on several sites to own upto having Yellowtails over the past six months! Given their amazing colouring (the horizointal blue sheen and the yellow caudial fin) I expected to come across a fair few owners, but perhaps my LFS (Aquajardin) really do have import sources not used by many other stores.

Have your ones developed wounds on their flanks, possibly from their "jousting" behavior (roughly circular, about 2-3mm across, start white but then quickly get "sore" with redness)? If so, how did you treat the wounds? I've lost two recently to such wounds, despite treating with Waterlife's "Myxazin" and King British's "Disease Clear" at different times, but sadly lost both fish. I now have three others with similar but smaller sized wounds and I'm dreading the possibility of losing them (reducing the school to 8).
Blimey, you are the first forum member on several sites to own upto having Yellowtails over the past six months! Given their amazing colouring (the horizointal blue sheen and the yellow caudial fin) I expected to come across a fair few owners, but perhaps my LFS (Aquajardin) really do have import sources not used by many other stores.

Have your ones developed wounds on their flanks, possibly from their "jousting" behavior (roughly circular, about 2-3mm across, start white but then quickly get "sore" with redness)? If so, how did you treat the wounds? I've lost two recently to such wounds, despite treating with Waterlife's "Myxazin" and King British's "Disease Clear" at different times, but sadly lost both fish. I now have three others with similar but smaller sized wounds and I'm dreading the possibility of losing them (reducing the school to 8).

No wounds on mine during their time in the tank - they are cazy little fellas sometimes compared to their 'more regularly couloured' counterparts...

Not noticed any significant jousting going on.


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