Yellow Hm X Steel Blue (mg?) Hm Spawn Log

Congrats on such a great spawn. It's great to see someone doing well with breeding. Being the first post on this forum I read, its actually rewarding to see someone with a great passion for breeding and such great photos of fry, which are hard to find on the net!

MG's always look awesome. Can't wait to see them when they're fully grown!

You plan on giving a discount to us fellow people in the Betta section when you sell them, right? :hey: lol
Wow.... this is the first time i have looked at this thread and ive got to say you have done an amazing job. It kind of makes me want to breed my lil guy. But ill leave that to the professionals. Congratulations.
Very nice pic's constantine. Let me know when they are ready and I will take a couple off your hands. They look like they will be very pretty when they mature.
The fry are now 10 weeks old, and I'm going to start separating them today. No one has been nipping badly that I've seen up until now. Today I noticed a little nip on two of the fish's fins, so, time to jar! I'll take some pictures as I'm going!
they look very very nice, please let me know if you get any mg females, I really need one.
Woot! Amazing pics so far, I can't wait to see updated ones!
I think I would die from the cuteness if I ever had baby bettas... good lord are they just the cutest little things ever! lol
Well, it was a bit late and dark last night, so I'll have to get pictures today (maybe...physics exam tomorrow, so we'll see). I separated 10 little men. I have a lot of cambo/light purple bodied boys with marbled blue/white/and pinkish red fins. Cute. Can't wait to show you all and see how they develop further.

If anyone in the states wants one, I believe they're old enough to ship at this point- but still up in the air as to how they'll turn out. That marble gene is something else! They'll defo be HM, if not OHM or RT (I already have one of those for sure).
Keep us updated with pics! Can't wait to see them :good:

How much are you charging?
was just looking at the pics and i would say youve got feathertails coming out in a couple of them
I def. think that some RT will come through, not so sure about FTs. The parents were both pretty heavily branched. I haven't really noticed any with swimming problems though. The large blue/red guy isn't super active, but still swims fine. These are some of the ones I've separated...and no, I didn't misnumber. I've numbered them this way, but couldn't get decent pictures of 4 or 9. I think priority shipping would be okay right, shipped only Monday through Weds. I think we should wait a bit longer before they actually are homed though...I'm still trying to make sure I have the sexes right.







7. I'm keeping this guy...going to cross him back to his momma.





Hey constantine, nice looking, shot you a message about getting some fish, really liking the look of 5 and 1, and I of course woild love to buy some girls, I REALLY like 5 though, hes smexy

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