Miss Wiggle
Practically perfect in every way
we've a group of nannacara anomala, got thema s juvi's, they're a bit beyond juvi but not quite fully grown at the moment, kind of sub-adult. Anyway stripped down the tank over the weekend so they effectivley got a 100% water change, struggled a little to get the tank up to temp but didn't wanna leave the fish in a bucket any longer so put them back into the tank when the temp was around 22/3 instead of the 24-26 that the tank usually runs at. temp drop must have stirred something in them cos they've done their first spawning today, came home to find a load of eggs on the glass and one of the females fiercely defending them, she's also eaten all of them but it's to be expected cos of the age of the fish. don't intend to breed from them as we've not room to keep loads of babies so we'll just leave them be in the community tank, if they happen to spawn again and we get any babies then it's just a bonus. Just nice to see that they're obviously relativley happy to be spawning.