
:lol: Apparently my babies are in high-demand!

Bryan - Oooh, I'll have to think about that offer! I'd kind of like to keep this first batch, just because there are only four and I'd like to continue breeding. However, the batches after this would probably be able to be given away. :) Don't worry about giving me anything in return. I'm going to start looking into shipping after this weekend. I would think we would have to wait until after winter...but by then I could probably post pictures of them when they are near full grown and all colored out and you could pick the ones you want. :thumbs:

GetItNow - Thanks! :D
That would be great. I would gladly ship you some so you could keep your breeding stock more genetically diverse. I am looking to get some different blood lines for my platys, it is starting to get difficult to remember which blood lines some of the fish are from so I can keep close relatives seperated :unsure: . I know I have some yellow Mickey Mouse platys that are seperate genetics, the wag platys are becoming hard to seperate ???? .
Keep me posted and I'm sure we can do something, I'l also post pictures. I will need to get a different light for my 90 gallon so the colors don't look so "sunlight".
Oh, I'm not breeding anything right now other then my Feeder/Fancy Guppies, and these Variatus. No need to send me anything in return, I'll give you some of them for free. :) I don't know if you'd really want to breed these with your other Platies, seeing as they are Variatus....you would probably mute their color out with the Maculatus' color....but of course, it's up to you. :) I've heard Variatus can grow slower then Maculatus, so these might take a little longer to mature, we'll see. I want to see how this first batch grows up first, just to make sure I'm not offering people some totally different colored and stock and disappointing them!
Hey Annastasia
my platy babies decreased in amount dramatically. Went from 13 to 3 but it was my first spawn so it's ok. The 3 are now 3 months old and were just transfered over to the big 96G. They are so cute and so fat!
My second batch...my guppy fry, are all alive. All 81 of them. They have doubled in size in one week and some already have some colour. I see black fins and some dark bodies, others are completely clear and some kind of look yellow. It really helps to have them in a bare tank all to themselves. I have no idea what i'm gonna do with 81 guppies though...i don't even know who the father is! well I guess i'll know in a couple months when i see their colour patterns.
Awww! Since they are 3 months now, they can start breeding. If you have a male and a female, expect more babies! :D

Wow, go Guppy fry! You sure got a lot! They are so cute when they start coloring up, aren't they? :wub: I wouldn't count on being able to tell who the father is, as some fathers throw some funky coloring. :blink: Might be able to though. Keep us all updated on them! I love hearing about the babies growing up.
Yep. Once they reach 3 months, they can have babies. Crazy, isn't it? :p

She probably won't have many though, usually their first batch only has a few. Have fun getting her out of the big tank...I know what a pain that can be!
I decided i'm just gonna leave her. The big tank is heavily planted and i already have 2 platy's pregnant ready to burst at any day...i'm not gonna worry about her few. Actually the 3 babies are a male and 2 females. I think the both female's are pregnant.
Eh...i got enough babies to worry about.
That sounds fine. If the babies are tough, they'll survive. Some usually do, especially if you have plants and hiding places. Heck, I've had fry survive in a tank full of Loaches and Angels. :blink:

Eh...i got enough babies to worry about.

:lol: We all get to that point sooner or later! Though you DO have a lot to handle, especially with raising 81 newborn Guppy fry.
:drool: :drool: :drool: CooL Pics. I'm sure they'll All be Beautiful.
The Parents are some of the BEST lookin Plities I've EVER seen.

Can't WAIT to see the Fry... :thumbs: :thumbs: :thumbs:
Thanks Daddyfish! :D They are Variatus Platies, not the normal Maculatus Platies you tend to see in stores. So that's probably why they look a little different... :)

Anyway, the fry will be one week old on Halloween. Maybe I'll give them Halloween names, like Spooky, Boo, Ghost...meh, I don't know. Anyway, it was so funny today. I was cleaning their breeder net for the first time, and I handle all my fry by hand. Taking them out, putting them back in, etc. I think it's safer then nets for the little ones. But anyway, they looked so baffled at first, but then they started pecking at my hand! :lol: Little buggers, I guess they thought it tasted good from all the tanks it had just been in (water change day). They are really cute though. I can already see two who are slightly bigger then the others, and have brighter orange. I think they might be males, but who knows. Anyhoo, I'll keep you updated, probably every week. *Wonders how many people will want to get rid of her updates before all her before her fry are all grown up...* :p

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