Yay, New Fish!


Fish Crazy
Feb 20, 2008
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I haven't posted here in a looong time (like the new layout), but I had to post to show off my new platy. She's a blue mickey mouse platy with faded stripes and an orange dorsal fin. Amazingly beautiful! The first thing she did in her new home was attack the much much larger angel fish. Noooot smart, but at least she's healthy and active. It's my first time having a platy. Always had swordtails, but never these little critters...hmmm...
Well, here's a picture of my new platy stalking my male swordtail. lol. I'm afraid it's not very good and please excuse the algae. ;)
Im sorry i dont like the sword-tail, i just like the pure orange. Although you dont see much of them about now.
Be prepared for your male swordtail to breed with your female platy as it will happen if you didn't know that already.
I have a couple of pure orange swords too. :D

I know, thanks for warning me though! I have a couple of angelfish that eat any and all fry, so I won't be getting any "unwanted" hybrids.

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