Yay! Free fish food!

AdoraBelle Dearheart

Nutty fish nutter
Tank of the Month 🏆
Jul 22, 2020
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Anyone in the UK, now is a good time to stick a bucket of water outside, and check it daily for mosquito larvae! They're doing well right now apparently, and hey, free live food!
I stuck this tub outside the other week, to see if I could covert this Echinodorus 'rose' back to it's emersed form by filling it with water, then letting the water gradually evaporate and letting the plant adjust. It's outgrown my tanks, so thought it was worth a try! Just curious if it'll work

It's right next to the pond, and it's now packed full of mosquito larvae, which the fish love!


A few sweeps with a net, and I have days worth of free food that the fish go wild for! Really fun to see their "hunting" behaviour kick in when they realise there's live food in there.

Free bonus shot of a slow worm! While pottering around doing this I tipped some pond water out of a container, then moved a black lid that had been left there, then hurriedly put it right back when I discovered 4-5 slow worms huddled together under there! Have found slow worms in that area for years, there used to be a compost heap there that they loved, but apparently they still really like that spot even without the compost heap. There seems to be a slow leak from the pond right in that area, so something about the humidity/moistness/dark shady spot to hide in seems to appeal to them. Sadly by the time I remembered to grab my camera, all but one had hidden away in the plants. Gonna figure out how to make that spot even better for them. love having a thriving ecosystem right in the back garden! Newts in the pond, slow worms in the garden, and lots of wild birds visiting for the feeders. Was nice to get chance today to appreciate nature right in the back garden after a busy week!

Thanks for the reminder! Sense my 20g pond is empty right now,(all the fish died in a cold snap) there should be some already in there.
Oh no! I'm sorry about your fish :(
What kind of fish?
Please do share pics of your pond and any live food haul you find! :D
Oh no! I'm sorry about your fish :(
What kind of fish?
Please do share pics of your pond and any live food haul you find! :D
I had 12 fathead minnows. Got them for free from my counties mosquito control agency. Ill share some pics later. Theres a bunch of algae so its not that pretty
I had 12 fathead minnows. Got them for free from my counties mosquito control agency. Ill share some pics later. Theres a bunch of algae so its not that pretty
Not a pretty pond contest, so no worries! Algae is all a part of having a pond really :)
It's illegal to culture mozzies in most countries due to diseases. But if you happen to have a bucket outside under a tree, and it fills with rainwater or sprinkler water, and mozzies breed in it, you should scoop the mozzie larvae out so they can't grow into adults and spread diseases :)

You can freeze mozzie larvae in iceblock trays, then put the cubes in a bucket in the freezer and use them when there are no mozzies around.

Mozzie larvae are a great fish food and one of the best foods for bringing fish into breeding condition. The other being prawn/ shrimp.
It's illegal to culture mozzies in most countries due to diseases. But if you happen to have a bucket outside under a tree, and it fills with rainwater or sprinkler water, and mozzies breed in it, you should scoop the mozzie larvae out so they can't grow into adults and spread diseases :)

You can freeze mozzie larvae in iceblock trays, then put the cubes in a bucket in the freezer and use them when there are no mozzies around.

Mozzie larvae are a great fish food and one of the best foods for bringing fish into breeding condition. The other being prawn/ shrimp.

Ooohh, maybe I shouldn't have recommended that people stick a bucket out then... lol! I didn't know that, but it also makes sense in many countries!

Mine just happened to arrive since I have a pond and I was growing a plant outside in water, accidental, honest! I'll be sure to diligently collect them daily and prevent them growing into adulthood.... ;) :angel:

I hadn't thought of freezing them - that's brilliant, thanks! My family will be delighted when I warn them not to add the special ice cubes to their drinks... lol! Luckily they're used to my having frozen fish food in one drawer of the freezer ;)
Wish you hadn't said that bit about it being one of the best foods for bringing them into breeding condition, @Colin_T ! I feel like you jinxed me, lol! I'm already raising a big batch of bronze cory fry that I need to set up a bigger grow out tank for, I really, really could do without the cories getting in the mood and spawning again right now! I'll have to be extra careful with the temp matching during water changes so I don't encourage it even more! :lol:
People collecting mozzie larvae from backyard ponds is in my opinion, better than letting mozzies breed anywhere they want. You remove the larvae regularly and kill them by feeding to fish or freezing. This helps control mosquito populations much better than letting them breed in mud pools in the bush where nobody harms the larvae and they all grow to adulthood.
This may sound self serving. BUT - I had a pond I checked daily for mosquito larvae. My fish were very happy.

So was I. My pond was a big hit with the local mosquito couples, and clearly was THE spot to lay eggs. I just kept feeding them to fish, and had a very low mosquito backyard the year I had that set up. The years before and after that pond, I got eaten alive for 2 months.

Twas a good trap.
This may sound self serving. BUT - I had a pond I checked daily for mosquito larvae. My fish were very happy.

So was I. My pond was a big hit with the local mosquito couples, and clearly was THE spot to lay eggs. I just kept feeding them to fish, and had a very low mosquito backyard the year I had that set up. The years before and after that pond, I got eaten alive for 2 months.

Twas a good trap.
Have found live bloodworms in my pond too! Had a friend visit to collect some pygmy cories recently who has a degree in land management and science, and he was investigating the pond and found some bloodworms and saw one of the newts, was telling me "look! you have live bloodworms!" I haven't caught any of those from the pond, since I worry about hazards like hydra since I have shrimp and tiny fish fry, but I could culture daphnia safely for a few generations to make sure they're safe I'm sure. Colin has written up a method for it. I'm sure the goldfish enjoy the bloodworms and mozzies though!

At some point I'd like to catch and culture some daphnia from there, not sure the best time of year to look for those. Need to check out what they look like properly!
You can buy daphnia eggs online. Just do a Google search for them in your area. They are small and light weight so don't cost too much to ship.

Getting dry eggs means you won't get diseases with them.
You can buy daphnia eggs online. Just do a Google search for them in your area. They are small and light weight so don't cost too much to ship.

Getting dry eggs means you won't get diseases with them.
Booooring! I wanna capture some! :p :lol:
Good point though! Time to set up my little 5 gallon cube as a daphnia tank then!

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