Xbox 360: Gamertags

Mine's "Defy all 0dds"
the "o" is actually a zero

I play almost only Halo:Reach, but I sometimes play COD: Black Ops and COD: MW2 and Transformers War for Cybertron

I am exclusively on Reach and the new anniversary maps when on live - xingudub is my gamertag, I'll add you next time I am on
halo rules above all lol

i think ive seen u on mm before lol

my gamertag is (to who ever is intrested) : Darkend skills
I do haha, only play Borderlands 2 and BO2, my GT is Ima Wat
My gt is ki11streak99. Play gta 5, fifa 14, mw3 (in a beast at survival), nfs rivals.
i used  to play forza horizon too Norton!! My Nissan skyline tuned out maximum outsped a Bugatti Veyron top tuned!!

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