X-box Live

ive got it. i mostly play

Table Tennis

my 360 is plugged straight into my router without any problems works great :good:

gamer tag MISKIN1972

The cable fits into the back of the PC but it still doesnt seem to work....pardon my ignorance but what exactly is a router?
A router is something that allows you to use your internet connection for more than just your PC. Such as wireless devices around the house (E.G. Laptops) and also allows you to 'branch' your connection to other things. (E.G. X-Box, other PC)
It really is very easy to use.

maybe Im giving up too easily.....Ive bought the card for 12 months gold membership so Im aswell to spend the extra £50 or whatever and get online....Im sure once I get Fight Night Round 3 online it will all be worth it.
Ive bought the 12 month subscription, Im just too stupid and lazy to work out how to get the fcuking thing connected.....from what Ive gathered I need to spend MORE money on a router (whatever the fcuk that is!)

.....its not like the old days with Mario Kart on the snes on battle mode....thoes were the days!
no you dont. you can use ICS.

internet connection sharing.

alls you need then is a network card in your PC which it sounds like you already have if youve plugged an RJ45 into it!

even if you dont have one spare there only -£10.

its jus as it sound, you share the connection your PC has with the xbox. only 2 downsides are your PC has to be in reach of the xbox so you can get the rj45 plugged in and the PC has to be logged on to play.

theres info about all the connection (direct, router or ICS) on the xbox site.


as for vancouvers comment about the PS2. its free for a reason ;)
I think ps2 online is crap because i have played it and think it is crap.
It is nowhere near as good as XBL.
I second that, i sold my ps2 and got xbox. HALO RULES
although i play pc games now ;)
I'm not one of the people thats like PS2 RULES XBOX SUCKS!!

I just prefer my ps2.. the xbox controller is disgusting, and I don't want to have to pay monthly to go online.. there are times I play ps2 online everyday, and times I don't play for months at a time.

I've only played xbox once or twice, and xbox 360 briefly, but I don't think I could ever get used to that weird controller.
Anyone know how to change a password on the 12month starter box? I've forgotton mine and it runs out soon.

I can't find a number anywhere and i dont wan't them to take out another years payment that i wont use!
I got nearly every console going and sadly i have to say the 360 pushes all the right buttons for online gaming.

Sony has 80% of the console market sown up before the 360 came along and the remaining 20% were mad eup of sega, xbox, nintendo etc.
Out of the online gaming community (pc owners excepted of course), xbox has 90% of hte market.. so a console that only has a small share of sales actually has hte largest share of internet usage.

Not sure about the PS3 and its online capabilites yet.. it surely has the hardware and the spped to holdits own against the 360 but whether sony can achieve dominance over microsoft intheir own backyard of online comminities remains to be seen.

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