Wrigley's gonna die

Poor Wrigley! I know he lived a good life :) and I'm sure he's gonna be happy in the big tank in the sky
Awww im sooooo sorry to hear that Sorrell, as i know he meant alot to you, as im sure each and every one of your bettas do. and if ur nething like me, your be really upset and in tears, just remember, it wasnt your fault, and that he had a gud life, even though it was short.

my thoughts are with you


:rip: "Wrigley, enjoy your time in fishy heaven, eating all the bloodworms and Brineshrimp you can eat!" :rip:
:-( :byebye:

Sorry to hear that Sorrell. At least you know he's got all his fins back now and nobody can hurt him :)

Man even I'm upset, they looked like a great pair. I'll be happy to donate some money for another HM like him, but I know that will be hard. :/
GP said:
Man even I'm upset, they looked like a great pair. I'll be happy to donate some money for another HM like him, but I know that will be hard. :/
I will also......... :D
I'll buy you a fishie when you come to the betta show this spring! =) wow I'm buying betta fior lots of peeps lol! One for semp, one maybe for brianna, maybe one for julie and now one for you! lols
glad u to hear that ur loaded BL :)

im rely sry sorrel, i dont think anyone woulda even thoght of him passing like this, he was such a beutiful fish, i was sure he was gunna bounce back :unsure: dont be to hard on urself or the female betta, it rely isn't ur fault -_- wen i breed my fish someday, ill let u have 1 of the babys :thumbs:

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