
Yeah, it does. I've seen some pretty shaky looking stands that are rock solid, but most of them were wrought iron, not wood. It might be perfectly solid, but if I had that monster of a tank, I'd spring for a nice looking enclosed stand.
you know you want it! maybe if everyone on tff donated some money we could buy it for your bday! :lol:

(happy birthday :good:)
not bothered bout stand,,,ha even if it was pink id have it for the size,,,

arrrr gee thanks guys your gonna club together n buy that, your too good,,,,,

whos gonna deliver it to me?

to be fiar it looks like hes took of the covers<1st pic>on floor you can see pannels
close to me that as well. would be an ace amazon set up with thetras discus and corys etc

wonder how much he wants?
OoOOooo Warrington ... that's just down the road from me :D

He has quite a few tanks for sale. There's a 4'x18"x3' one that would make a great rift lake setup :D

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