

Fish Aficionado
Jan 23, 2007
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South Carolina
I can't be the only World of Warcraft addicted nerd here! lol

I'm not gonna advertise my chars.. cause well.. they suck since I don't group and I don't want anyone tracking me down and laughing at my crappy gear hehe. Well.. I don't group with people I don't know.... b/c well... if you play the game you'll know how the majority of the people that play the game act.. and you really don't want to interact with them if you don't have to.
But I have a lvl 70 tauren hunter
lvl 43 Blood Elf Mage
lvl 41 Troll Warrior
and a few other misc chars that I don't really play heh.

My bf plays as well.. he has a lvl 70 undead rogue (who's all nice and uber-fied thanks to the raiding guild he's in)
lvl 50something undead warlock
lvl 50something troll priest
and alot of other alts and mules b/c he's the biggest packrat I know

My brother plays.... his main char that is on the server I play on is a lvl 60 orc warlock
He also has alot of other chars on that server and a few other servers, but I can't keep up with them.
His wife plays as well. Her main char is a lvl 60 orc hunter (they're waiting to move before they play in the expansion areas)... and also a ton of other chars of differing lvls heh.

So yeah.. now that I've geeked this post up a bit... come on..Don't be embarassed! Share with the forums your secret or not so secret RPGing Geekishness! :good: 8) :D
Never really fancied WOW. The monthly fee puts me off. I'm more of a Guild Wars geek, myself.
sorry no, used to play hours and hours online gaming but now havent got time for that :(
nope no interest in it.
wife is addicted to Second Life though.
aye! lvl 70 resto shammy here!! i also have a lvl 37 holy priest, a lvl 35 frost mage and i just started a druid, so she's only lvl 20 atm (resto) as i'm using her to test out another server before we move to it!

hubs has a lvl 70 mutilate rogue

eldest son has a lvl 62 hunter and a 41 rogue

younger son has a lvl 14 druid

aye.. 7 pc's on a network and 4 Wow accounts... a family of geeks!!

our 5 yr old lass has an online game account on Toontown.... start em young! ;)
62 Holy priest here, got some lower alts just for fun
bf has a 62 warrior
Have a small guild of close friends, no raiding yet but thats aalll to come!
There are all alli, apart from one bloodelf hunter who just gets played when I've got nout else to do lol

I've played a while but no 70 yet as we had some downtime with the pc :( though a few weeks of playing will soon sort that!

And sooooo don't mind saying we play on Aries Peak, euro servers. I'll happily meet up with anyone on the same serv :)
Well I started up my first charcter when the game first came out, an orc hunter and got her all the way to level 53ish before having to give up due to having a little girl running round alot more. I did start another charcter thinking it would be easier being lower level but soon found I didn't have the time or energy to keep playing. My bf took over my hunter and she's level 70 now. He's also leveled up my second character, tauren druid, to around 50. We have three accounts but one is dormant at the moment. Haven't played for quite a while but the other night my bf managed to persuade me to start again. Can't play my original charcter as my bf has claimed them. So now I've got a level 14 bloodelf paladin and am loving being back in the game.

I just started playing a few months ago and have a 40 night elf warrior and a 17 night elf hunter

Bah...why does everyone have horde toons? My first was an undead lock but I deleted it once I made my alli chars

Hubby has a 60 night elf warrior and like 3 alts in the 20's
lol, i just sold my wow account for $1200 and spent everything on fish already.. =/..
I did play it from about a year since it was released then got completely bored with it. I went back briefly when the expansion came out but it soon lost its attraction again. Wow is a very pretty game but it has the depth of a shallow puddle.
Yeah lots of people do (and I did too to begin with) 9 million users says a lot about it. Dont you just find that its the same thing over and over again though?

lvl 1-70= grind mobs and do lots of quests which all involve "kill X amount of X"
lvl 70 = Farm instances over, and over, and over again to get DKP/Drops
lvl 70+good items = Farm more instances over and over again for an item that adds 0.02dps

I do like the group aspect of the instances but once you have done MC, ZC, etc, etc 50 or 60 times it gets a bit dull.

If the PvP was good I would still be playing but it really is a PvE based game only.

If you ever played SWG before their famous "combat upgrade" or played Eve then you wil know what it is like to have a game that involves more then just killing the same things over and over again

I wish so much that SOE hadn't screwed SWG up, it had the potential to be such a great game. It is the only MMORPG I have played that you could completely enjoy without getting involved in the combat aspect at all. I started off with a combat based charcter and got a second account to make weapons/armor for him. I ended up hardly ever playing the combat account at all and spending all my time crafting and looking after my "shop" :)

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