Wow these poor fish

It just a video game dude.
I know, but it’s still not a good idea. Just like playing call of duty or something like that. It makes kids more violent and more likely to commit crimes when they get older. That’s been proven. :unsure:
I had heard some of this from other sources, :( I am not defending the betta breeders, but PETA has a habit of showing the worse. Years ago they went after local trappers, fur traders and mink ranchers near me. They also went after cattle ranchers and the slaughter houses and butchers. They also were against hunters and fishing.
PETA does put the most negative spin possible on things, and then enhance it with exaggeration, hyperbole, and lies.
PETA is opposed to any and all killing, usage, and interaction with animals.
PETA does put the most negative spin possible on things, and then enhance it with exaggeration, hyperbole, and lies.
PETA is opposed to any and all killing, usage, and interaction with animals.
I agree, PETA is not what it seems.
I know, but it’s still not a good idea. Just like playing call of duty or something like that. It makes kids more violent and more likely to commit crimes when they get older. That’s been proven. :unsure:
Whatever :rolleyes:, im not violent though. Peta trying to get all people to be vegan and they are trying to ban fishing and stuff, I agree that its harm animal but sometimes we have no choice, took colin for example he had no food and need to go fishing. I still dont like any idea of hunting though even for fun, food or sport but as i said we had No Choice.
I would eat the Peta people if I was allowed and they had some meat on them.

Damn hippies killing plants coz they don't wanna hurt animals. What about the poor plants, they have feelings too?
I would eat the Peta people if I was allowed and they had some meat on them.

Damn hippies killing plants coz they don't wanna hurt animals. What about the poor plants, they have feelings too?

We should start a revolution! :lol:

When I was searching for that image, I found this:


Isn’t that so funny!? :rofl:
They tend to be zealots, it is like a religion to them. They feel they are justified in breaking the law to get their way. The funny thing is that they believe in animal rights but many are pro-choice and don't believe that babies have any rights. Not knocking pro-choice people just Peta people for being hypocrites.
I think from an evolutionary perspective some people have to become vegetarian. There’s not enough room on earth to raise enough meat without destroying the environment completely. There’s only so much space, more people =less space. It’s not philosophical, it’s math.
I agree. There is plenty of meat on this earth for all of us, no need to just eat veggies. :)

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