Wow i think i've done it

Hi Adeyc,

Thought i had only two fry survive, now i find that there are three. Two are approx 10mm long, the other is about 6mm. The fry are taking brine shrimp as well as flake. I am waiting to see if they are male or female, and if the two big ones are male i will be separating them soon. (can't tell what sex they are yet as the fins haven't developed fully yet.)

I can't wait to separate them and move them out of the fry tank, as i want to cure my snail problem and some of my females look ready to spawn again.

keep you posted

Gaza t
Great. Glad things are ok. it shouldn't be to long now till you know what you have. Any Green ones? If you breed a true emerald green I can get you a bit of money for a male one not so much for a female and a bloomin' fortune for a pair. :D
I suppose you'll soon be needing umpteen breeding/fry tanks. keep up the good work and don't forget to let us know what you have when you find out.
Too bad you don't live anywhere near me man. I'm looking for a Green Betta. Have been for 3 yrs. They are like real hard to find. Black is the only color harder to find. Rose
Why didn't you say before. I might be able to source some black ones if i'm lucky. I had one a while ago that came from a local breeder, it didn't last long though. I'll phone him tomorrow and see if he still breeding/keeping them. You might get one for Christmas (if I can get any) seeing as how you've had to buy a new heating system.
Hi Adeyc,

All fry appear to be pink / red at the moment, do they change colour as they get older?

Definatly no green ones though. :p

With a Bald head and a big tongue...:p :laugh:  8)
Rose. No "True" Green ones but he's going to try and get in touch with some of the people he knows to see if any have seen or got any. He has one black male and wont part with it and is trying to find the right female to breed. I'm top of his list if he's succesfull.
I have a black male I just want a green one. Rose
Any particular shade or you wanting the "Emerald"?
I've got a pair of sunglasses that makes everything look a green colour too 8) if you want them but the effect gets lost when you take them off :laugh:
K I'll see wait he can do anyhow, and if I get hold of any I'll be in touch.
Emerald would be nice but I would take any. Thanks buddy. Rose

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