Wow i think i've done it

When breeding bettas there is a high mortality rate with the fry when some one is just beginnig the breeding process. By that I mean someone new to breeding them. Yes, you probably did take the male out too soon. (don't put him back in as this could get the rest killed.) Like I have said before breeding bettas isn't a exact science. It takes time and patience to get it right. Rose 8)
Hi Guys,

Adeyc, i left the male in the tank for 36 - 48 hours max :( proberly not long enough. The colour of my male is red, and the female is blue. I know this is a bad mix but the male wasn't interested in the red female when she was put into the tank :angry: . I didn't write anything down :eek: i rely on my bad memory :p But next time i will.

Rose thanks for the advice, pratice makes perfect, well makes it hopefully easier. :D

The good thing to come out of this is that the remaining 6 actually 7 and they are what appear to be strong looking fry, they are moving about the tank well and are feeding.


Gaza t
Hmmm. Purple fish. That would be intersting. I have the address of a betta sight that basicly gives you all the breeding info you might need. It's a bit technical seen as yer just starting with the breeding lark but its good for future refrence and goes into genetics and the like( what the fry'll be like by mixing different strains of bettas) say for instance you want a pastel, half moon double tail (I don't know if one exists) it'll tell you the male and female to breed to give you the best chance of success. the fish these guys use have been selectivly bred for years to remove any genetic impurities which you tend to get from shop bought betts. A bit expensive though. I'll see where I put that sight address and post a link
Hi Adeyc,

That site would be good, i have been visiting and which are both good sites, both american i might add too :=)

I would like to have a go at breeding an exact colour or type but i'll try and master keeping the little critters alive for now :D , when i can do that then i'll move on ;) .

post that site when you can


gaza t
I cant find that address yet and the original site is down now.(bad word)
I've sent a couple of emails and am awaiting a reply. It's an American site as well, darn good too.
If you want american betta sites why didn't you say so. I can find all sorts of them. I'll put a list up later today for ya. Rose 8)
If only I could find that dashed site. It's on a disk with a lot of other handy sights, and I don't know where I put it. :(

anyway I have found another forum that my freinds from betta help have started using. Can we adveriste other sites here?


just go to the forum
Hey Adeyc if those sites are so handy why can't you find them? :p I just had to ask. Rose 8)
Yeah well when everything important has been boxed and stored for a while you tend to forget where you put stuff and whats in what box. :blush: Anyhow i've got the proper box now, just need to work my way through 763 floppy disks. Guarenteed it will be the last one, or neer the end :hmm:

Anyhow here's a couple of sites to keep you all going
Betta Genetics


Also There's this book you can get "Bettas" by Robert Goldstein (not sure of the publisher) It's got all of what you need to know about Bettas including genetics (Allegedly) As I can't read or rite, it's got loads of pictures though. Seriously though I haven't read it just had a quick glance as I didn't have the cash to purchase it at the time but it does come recommended from some freinds in the IBC.
Hi Guys / Girls,

Sorry for the delay in posting but i havent had time just lately due to a house move.

I have managed to keep alive only two betta fry alive, but the two remaining fish are growing quick and look strong fish. Both appear to have a red colouring at this moment but this might be just the transparancy of the fish at the moment. Both fish are feeding well and i am starting to introduce live foods.

Just as a footnote the fry tank became infested with snails, i couldn't do anything with them because of the fry i had in there, but all of a sudden the snails have appeared to died and there appears to be none left. I wait in anticipation to see what happens.

Gaza t
2's not bad for a succecful first try. better than me anyway.
How big are they now? and remember to split them up as soon as you see if there two males etc.

But what I'd like to know is how did you end up with snails in the fry tank?
Anyhow well done and keep us informed.
I found the new site all the betta people have been using by the way. just forgot to post it :blush: link
Hi adeyc,

the size of the fry are 5mm and 7mm, i cannot teel if they are male or female yet, but have my jars at the ready :D .

the snails were attached to some floating plants that i put in, even after putting the plants i a bucket of a salt solution to get rid of them. I thought i had got rid of them once but all of a sudden i had a explosion of them.

Gaza t

Death to all snails :laugh:
I remember the days of the Campaign for the Real Abolishment Permanently of Sneaky Snails. ( lets just not go there). Doesnt matter what you do these pesky critters get everywhere and when you think they've gone :look:they sprink up on you :0 :sly:
It might be an idea to make a sort of fake plant out of nylon wool for when you have these situations. As I'm a lazy so n so these days I have a spare tank I uses as a sump for water changes and an old power head for transfer. had it scrubbed so clean you could eat yer dinner off it a couple of days after using it I had a sump full of snails. :=) :grumpy:

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