Would You Kill A Betta...


Feb 16, 2006
Reaction score
Hill-billy dumping ground, NY
Ok, so i went to my local LFS today planning on getting some crickets for my lizard and a new female guppy. Well everytime i go I have to check out the bettas. Well they have this one desk where they bag the fish and have a couple bettas on display in those horrid little bowls to advertise the bowls. Well I glanced over there today and saw a betta in a cup, the bettas in a cup are never in that part of the store so I took a closer look at him, Well poor little guys entire bottom fin, except for one strand was missing. And he looked thoroughly depressed. Well one the employees comes over and says "oh you don't want him hes sick" and I thought "oh good they have him over here to treat him so people won't try and buy him till hes better" well then the employees says "we're going to euthanize him later, hes not pretty enough to be sold" Well that was it!!! I took that bettas and went to buy him. The cashier was like "you can't buy that betta, he's sick, don't you want a prettier one?" well I told her I wanted this betta, I am completely knowlegable on how to take care of him, and that she better make sure her manager is there tomorrow cause I'm coming back and telling him exactly what I think of the store. I bit my tounge when the fish in the tanks weren't looking as healthy as they used to, I gritted my teeth when they started selling 3 betta containers which gave each fish about 3 inches to move in, and I looked the other way when every female betta in their tank was dead 2 weeks in a row. But to kill a fish just because its not "pretty" enough to sell, well thats the last straw!!!
Oh my goodness! Poor thing. Good for you about what you said... that's really terrible. :( Keep up updated on the little guy.

And I thought my pet store was bad... :X
If I could I'd buy every betta in a store. Just so I know that they would be 48723948x's better at my place than theres.

Good Job! :)

I want to see a pic of him to see how pretty this baby is.
well done for getting him
I think you should see the Manager and convince him that you should get all these sick Bettas free of charge because as long as people are buying them they wont care less
Wow, the employees must be seriously mental. Who cares? They can get better..
Good job on saving him though. :)
I picked up a betta that was missing his entire back fin - the entire back fin; however, he died during the night. Housed with goldfish, I believe.
here are some pics of the little guy, a friend of mine aptly named him miracle :D






He's not ugly! Sure, alot of his bottom fin is missing, but otherwise I like his colors!
If I were you, I'd go in that store, sneak up behind an employee, and kick him in the back side of his knee, and make him colapse on the ground. :lol:

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