Would You Kill A Betta...

Wow, good thing you came along!! Miracle doesn't know how lucky he is! :nod:
And ugly? They think THAT'S ugly?? Take a look at my Uriel :lol:

He's just grey... I call him my ugly man, but he's actually one of my faves and I like his colour (or lack thereof). He sat at my local Walmart for two weeks before I finally picked him up, no one else wanted him.
He is gorgeous! I'd definately go back and have a go at them! Good for you taking him home! I wish I had for more bettas as I would take home as many as I could too! He is a lovely colour :thumbs:
aawwwww hes beautiful, why would any one on this earth want to do a thing like that.

when we went to ur local pets at home, we were looking for some bits for my chinchilla and jus went for a quick peek, the had a female in a lil jug sitting on the side, and when i asked what they were doing with her they said ' well shes been here for 2 weeks and no one has bought her so we will have to get rid of her, i immediatley bought her, as i have no other tank i bought her for one of my good friends, she is very happy now, has a lil rock cave and looks absolutley fantastic now.

stupid pet shops if i ever see em do it again ill try the kicking in the back of the legs lol, see how they feel!!

Lou x :sly:
yh good on u 4 rescuing the little guy! .. there was a betta on its own in a tank at the lfs and the staff at our LFS put the betta in a tank full of flipping black widow tetras! i told them that it will get nipped and they said: "ahh.. well were clearing that tank out for some guppys so it cant stay in there and nobodys gonna buy it!"....i was disgusted. but cudnt buy it myself as we have a tank full of tetras and platys and gouriamis! :-( how low will they stoop..they all need proper training! :angry:
I'd imagine that they meant "not as pretty" because he has missing fins, not because he was an "ugly" fish persay.

I'd venture to say 9 out of 10 customers..don't normally buy sick or injured fish. Fish stores usually uthanize the sick ones and order more...doesn't exactly make sense for them to spend $10-20 on a fish they paid .50 cents for and will sell for maybe $3...does it? I mean, if it was a fish they were able to sell for $20-30 sure maybe..but they aren't able to feasibly treat ever sick betta, guppy, or any other "cheap" fish that is in their stores. These places are in business to make money after all...sometimes you have to look at these things logically. -_-

Atleast they were going to put it out of it's misery, and not leave it sitting pushed to the back of a shelf somewhere, to suffer alone and die over and extended period of time..like "some" stores we all know that do that alot.

Congrats on your new fish though. :thumbs:
Ugly Man is a real winner! :D I stopped at Pet-Not-Too-Intelligent the other day and they had a whole shelf full of betta. They had them in there 5 deep or so so many were tucked to the back. It was all I could do to not go flaring off at the clerk there....Geez. Don't they know these are little lives that like uh..need.. like AIR to...like... BREATHE? DUH!!! I couldn't take them all home even tho I wish I could.
Sadly, my walmart keeps the bettas in bigger cups then my PetsMart... :(

Sad isn't it.
By "pretty" I think they probably meant he didn't have al lhis fins still. On one hand, since they were not going to spend the time and money to try to cure him, at least they weren't going to just let him slowly and painfully rot to die (I've seen this happen in lfs). They ought to have given you Miracle for free. I hope you have him in a strong antibiotic because his fin is really badly eaten up and it's been rotting away for awhile so the bacteria that rots the fins will probably have gotten into his blood system by now too.

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