Would you dare feed this to your fish???

I have been feeeding frozen to my fish for close to 20 years. I feed blood worms, brine shrimp, brine gut loaded with spirulina mysis shrimp, daphnia, cyclops and rotifers. I usually buy 12 -15 pounds twice/year.

We have a second freezer which is in the same space as my current 5 pleco breeding and grow tanks. it a a pretty flaky freezer. If you just try to push the door shut it will bounce and be open about an inch. This has happens a number fo times over the past couiple of years and the food (both fish and human) gets fairly thawed. However, how thawed matters as to whether it gets thrown out of refrozen and use.

As long as the food is a really cold mush, so basically close to frozen I keep it, It refreezes solid and I keep feeding it. However, if it gets beyond that slush phase, it goes out. I have actually had the door get left ajar twice and still kept and used the food.

Neither I nor my fish have ever had an issue. I did not lose fish or fry, the fish kept spawning and I never even had an upset stomach.

The food used to come with a ton of cold packs. That changed during Covid. It now comes packed with dry ice rather than the ice packs. I keep fish which can withstand water temps in the low 90sF so when I ship in the summer months I do not use a coolant. If you get it this way and have young kids, you can play the mad scientist by dropping some of the dry ice in to a container of water and watch the fun begin.

Also, I spend about $150 per frozen food order. So I stand to lose that and anything still left from my prior purchase. That can be a lot of money to throw out if it is not necessary. But, when things are really bad, the freezer smells and the food is actually leaking some liquid out of the packaging, then I do throw it all out. Plus I have to clean the freezer which is a mess. I keep the frozen on the top two shelves of the freezer and when the packs leak, it drips down.

As always the above is just what I have done with success. However, It is my way and if you feel safer throwing out the food, do so by all means. In my case the food arrives frozen solid and stayed that way until I did not double check the freezer door. I do that now though.

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