Would you buy artificially dyed fish?

Would you buy a fish that is dyed artificially?

  • Yes they look pretty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No most definatly not it is cruel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Will buy what I think looks nice

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
I want to start a tank with all dyed fish, plastic plants and multi-colored gravel. I want it to look just like I vomited fruity pebbles into a fish tank. That'd be pretty.
dont even start me on this subject................cruel cruel cruel & totally unecessary!!! :angry:
I want to start a tank with all dyed fish, plastic plants and multi-colored gravel. I want it to look just like I vomited fruity pebbles into a fish tank. That'd be pretty.


Weve been over this sooooo many times....
finius said:
I want to start a tank with all dyed fish, plastic plants and multi-colored gravel. I want it to look just like I vomited fruity pebbles into a fish tank. That'd be pretty.

I would never buy a fish I even suspected of being dyed. Further than that, I would not buy from a shop that knowingly sold dyed fish. Even further than that, I would actively tell people not to shop in a shop that knowingly sold dyed fish.

So, no basically. ;)
I would never buy a fish I even suspected of being dyed. Further than that, I would not buy from a shop that knowingly sold dyed fish. Even further than that, I would actively tell people not to shop in a shop that knowingly sold dyed fish.

So, no basically.

I'm totally with ya there cheese specialist! however, I really can't stand you avatar :sick: . could you please get a different one?
All a persom would have to do is look at Arashi's signature at those gorgeous bettas. :wub: Why would anyone want artifical fish when you can find colors that are that beautiful naturally?
Sorrell said:
All a persom would have to do is look at Arashi's signature at those gorgeous bettas. :wub: Why would anyone want artifical fish when you can find colors that are that beautiful naturally?
*nods* Agreed. :nod: There's no reason for dyed fish when natural ones come in such a wide variety of colors and patterns already.

P.S. Glad you like my boys, Sorrell! ;)
buggyboutbettas said:
drobbins27 said:
I want to start a tank with all dyed fish, plastic plants and multi-colored gravel. I want it to look just like I vomited fruity pebbles into a fish tank. That'd be pretty.

Weve been over this sooooo many times....
Oh like you should talk!
Please be civil. All of you. The fewer of these conversations we have, the fewer people like finius will hang around here. Unless you want to encourage the behavior, you should ignore it.

Thank you.
No. I came very close to it a while ago when i saw some strawberry tetras, becasue they were pretty, and at this point i had NO IDEA that anyone would even think of doing such a thing. I'm so glad I found out before i ever got round to buying any. as people have said, there's sooooo many pretty fish that are naturally coloured.
*spanks all the bad kids* "I said BAYID!!!"

:lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:

...sorry, had to. :*)
I haven't been on this forum for very long so didn't know if this poll/subject had been covered. I suppose it is one of those subjects which will have been covered and I missed it.
I knew there would be loads of people out there who wouldn't buy such fish but I am saddened to see there are also people on this forum who will buy them and add to the suffering of more defensless fish who are unable to speak out for themselves.
I wish not that I had said something to that couple who bought 2 dyed fish from my local garden centre.
Finius, I started this topic as a serious topic please keep your silly and sarcastic comments to yourself. All you had to say was yes or no or not bothered or more to the point put in your vote only. I am sure you knew that your comments wouldn't go down very well with the rest of the forum.
Everybody else please keep your thoughts on this subject coming in.

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