Would you buy artificially dyed fish?

Would you buy a fish that is dyed artificially?

  • Yes they look pretty

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • No most definatly not it is cruel

    Votes: 0 0.0%
  • Will buy what I think looks nice

    Votes: 0 0.0%

  • Total voters
<rant and rave>
Message to all animal sellers/breeders:

Domestication is one thing, but dyeing is EVIL, IMO. We're already technically being greedy enough by wanting fish in our homes, but at least we want the best for them. Why would anyone be so unhumanly greedy as to unneccessarily hurt and kill fish just to make them whatever color that floats their boats? If you want a colorful fish, BUY one - don't MAKE one.
</rant and rave>

hehe HTML - I'm such a dork :p
I wouldn't buy them because I'm not interested in those kinds of fish anyway. I like to have strange fish noone knows anything about. Most of them are colorful too :thumbs:
noelberg said:
<rant and rave>
Message to all animal sellers/breeders:

Domestication is one thing, but dyeing is EVIL, IMO. We're already technically being greedy enough by wanting fish in our homes, but at least we want the best for them. Why would anyone be so unhumanly greedy as to unneccessarily hurt and kill fish just to make them whatever color that floats their boats? If you want a colorful fish, BUY one - don't MAKE one.
</rant and rave>

hehe HTML - I'm such a dork :p
Amen to that noelberg!

P.S. if you want to XHTML compliant you should try:

<rant and="rave">

;) :whistle: :D
It seems like anything I reply to anymore I use the phrase "several years ago"....Oh well, guess that's what happens with old fish farts like me :D . Anyway, "several years ago", I bought 4 or 5 of the "painted glass fish" :no: and had no idea what it was that I was actually buying. Only 2 of them lived for any length of time, and eventually the dye that had been injected into their bodies began to fade away. I complained to the lfs that my painted glass fish were losing all their color, was something wrong, and it was then that they explained to me how it was that they got their color. Needless to say, I will never buy a dyed fish again, am sorry that I ever did ( the glass fish in its natural form is a very interesting and beautiful fish, no need to mess with Mother Nature).
I can understand how people who know no different and buy these fish because they look nice without knowing what the critters go through. What I can't understand is people who but them knowingly.
I have said it before and I will say it again, these fish are suffering and the process is CRUEL CRUEL CRUEL etc.
NEVER would I buy one and if I am not sure if the colour is natural I will not buy it until I find out for definate!
Thanks to everyone who has voted and put their views on here.
p.s fishdudein instead of saying 'several years ago' perhaps you could use the phrase 'once upon a time' this may work and you won't feel like such an old time fish keeper!
it's not only cruel, but the dye will wear off eventually, won't it? so you're stuck with a fish that doesn't look half as good as when you bought it
I have to admit that before I knew better I once owned a painted glass fish. He live to a ripe old age where he shed all the dyed layers and darkened a bit.
i think the painted glassfish are tempting to a lot of people before (and sometimes even after :grr: ) they know the fish are dyed.

in my younger party days i wanted a tank of them with the mixed irridescent neon orange and black gravel, then maybe some glow in the dark rocks mixed in.

basically i wanted a living black light poster :*)

now i ask lfs' to stop selling these fish. but the general ignorant public loves them :grr:
Do u need to put this poll up stop wasting ur time!
I was curious to find out how many people out there would actually buy these critters.
I am pretty new to the forum and it amazes me that there are so many out there who will buy them and will buy what they think look nice regardless of the fact that these fish have suffered and others will also suffer whilst people keep on buying them.
To all of you have voted Yes or Will buy what I think looks nice, do not be offended I am not having a go at you but just stating my surprise on how many of you there are.

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