Would This Be Alright...

well mine's been set up now for nearly 2 months....the danios went in first....then the tetra, then the fighting fish....the fighting fish has been in there a few weeks now :)
I'm lucky as my fighter is very docile, the most he does is parade the upper water for about 2 minutes flaring every now and then, they are such great characters!
If you add him and find all he does is hide, that means he is depressed and will need dividing off or moving, as stressed and depressed fish often get ill as a result.
I started out with a 30L tank and had zebra danios and then cardinal tetra in it. When the danios went to another tank, I added the diamond head neons. A few of them eventually died off and now I have a pair of dwarf neon rainbowfish in. They're lovely fish and would look stunning in a shoal (melanotaenia praecox) :)

Wise idea to see what you want to stock first before adding shrimp :D
dont think im going to go with a betta, as much as i would like to, i can just see it causing problems.
what other fish are about the same size as a betta/platy, really colourful, and dont have to be in shoals?
wow had never heard of a neon rainbowfish til just then....just looked it up and it looks awesome!!!
How big do they get?? Do they have to be kept in groups??

In reply to you ryan....I felt the same because when i joined here i already had the danios and tetra, and had my heart set on the betta......but at the end of the day everyone has different experiences, I was just prepared to run out and get a tank divider if mine had caused a problem....and to be honest i was probably panicking too much getting rid of my two extra danios....because every fish that went in new they have always pestered for a day or two, and then completely forgotten.

But I feel it was better safe than sorry......you can buy this cool plastic mesh stuff on ebay which you can cut to size to section off an aquarium, maybe if you get something like that, just incase.....then when you add the fighting fish.....if it doesn't go well you don't have to worry, and u just pop it in there and voila....you can still keep all your fish.

At the end of the day its up to you....personally if i'd known what i know now before I got mine....I'd have gone for cherry barbs....not neon tetra (even though i haven't had a problem....but cherrys are more friendly fish i've heard).....not sure on the danios....i just like them so much in their own right now...but maybe mountain minnows instead of them?

I'll go have a look up on other suggestions for good tank mates and post it back on here for you :) :good:
cheers mate, yer i dont think ill go with one, or maybe in future i might buy a smaller, betta only tank.

im looking at some dwarf loaches, are they shoaling fish though?

the shrimp might be a good idea, seeing as they will help clean the tank.

im getting a lot of plants, and the filter im getting is pretty much twice the size needed for this kind of tank, so i have the option to "overstock" a little.

any suggestions on any fish would be great:) looking for somethign larger than cherry barb, and colourful
cheers mate, yer i dont think ill go with one, or maybe in future i might buy a smaller, betta only tank.

im looking at some dwarf loaches, are they shoaling fish though?

the shrimp might be a good idea, seeing as they will help clean the tank.

im getting a lot of plants, and the filter im getting is pretty much twice the size needed for this kind of tank, so i have the option to "overstock" a little.

any suggestions on any fish would be great:) looking for somethign larger than cherry barb, and colourful

If you're not going with a betta, maybe go for another antabanoid....like gourami...there are a few colour variations....honey gourami, dwarf gourami, rainbow dwarf gourami, blue gourami, chocolate gourami, pearl gourami....i've also seen pearly coloured angels at my lfs....beautiful!!!!

Guppies are extremely colourful and varied, also very small....maybe some of those too??
ah i thought guppies where coldwater fish?

right so i think ill go for 6 cherry barbs, 6 neon tetras,

how many guppies and dwarf gorami's should i have

also, what is that fish that u always see stuck to the glass of aquariums?

any other ideas on what fish would go in the community?
ah i thought guppies where coldwater fish?

right so i think ill go for 6 cherry barbs, 6 neon tetras,

how many guppies and dwarf gorami's should i have

also, what is that fish that u always see stuck to the glass of aquariums?

any other ideas on what fish would go in the community?

what are your tank dimensions??
that way it can be rougly worked out how many you can have of what :)
my tank is 55 litres (about 12 gallons)....but being 60cm X 30 X 30 means I am pretty much full with what I have, bar maybe one fish.

Guppies like to be kept in groups, I suppose at least 4 or 5....and gourami people often buy a pair.....

the fish on the glass is that possibly a pleco of some sort....I have a pitbull pleco....they only grow to about 7cm in length, so nice and small :) catfish are bottom dwellers as are loaches :)
the dimensions are 3 foot x 1 foot x 15 inches

yer a pair of fish would be fine, maybe not guppies as i want to try and get as many different kinds of fish in this tank as i can.
Dwarf gouramis are nice.. and good community fish. I had a fighter fish and it killed everything in the tank. I ended up returning it. I think you can just get lucky (or unlucky in my case) with them. I have 4 tetras at the moment and 1 of them keeps nipping all the others (the smallest has lost half his tail coz of this) i guess like people u can just get some aggressive buggers!
right so so far its:

6 cherry's, 6 neons, 2 dwarf goramis

what else can i have in the tank? what are danios like?
anything else come to mind?

Edit: what can i use as a stand? i dont fancy going to buy a fish stand as they are pretty expensive :( this tank isnt exactly massive, so im guessing i could find some other kind of furniture to support it?
the dimensions are 3 foot x 1 foot x 15 inches

yer a pair of fish would be fine, maybe not guppies as i want to try and get as many different kinds of fish in this tank as i can.
Ok well your tank is pretty much exactly the same size as the example in my book....it says here...

" To calculate the size of tank your fish will need take the figure below and multiply it by their total body length in cms.
As an example a tank 90cm long by 30cm front-to-back, with a water surface area of 2700cm cubed, will hold 90cm of freshwater tropical fishes, 36 cm of coldwater fishes, or 22.5cm of tropical marines."

So basically you can hold up to 90cm of tropical freshwater fish in your tank :)
haha i really dont know how many cm these fish are though

right so its 6 cherry barbs, 6 neon tetras, 2 dwarf gorami's

how much space does that leave me with?
wow had never heard of a neon rainbowfish til just then....just looked it up and it looks awesome!!!
How big do they get?? Do they have to be kept in groups??

They only stay small 5-6cm usually and they do like to school. I have several and am going to move them to my 60L tank to give them more room :D
i was thinkin maybe another sort of fish, and a shrimp, which would be a nice change form the fish im guessig?

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