Would Like To Start A Cold Water Set Up...

Cheers buddy!!

I found out what those moss balls were... Cladophora aegagropila

but apparently they like water that's warmer than 18 degrees C.. is that too warm for fancies??
Tank is looking good Paul! That java moss should pick right up and hide the string in a month.

I would say fancies do better in the 18-20C range (though not higher).
They are more active and responsive.
Looks great.

Go with Java Fern and Java Moss.
They are lush green in colour, and the gold fish wont eat them.
Also both plants need to be attached to rocks (or ornaments). So your tank is ideal as it has them big rocks.
They will give your tank a much more natural look :)

Groovy... I've got some java moss growing in another tank, so I'll just use some of that...

Also, I saw these grassy balls at my LFS, I'm not sure what they're called, but they are round, very green and looks a lot like mini grass... any ideas? And would they be suitable?

Thank u.

Not had much luck with java moss or fern in with my guys they have demolished it! Only plant that has lasted the onslaught was onion bulbs the rest are fake in mines but once a wee bit algae starts on them they look just as good as real in my book!

We have play sand and it probably just depends on the one you buy ours isnt bright yellow but just like a knid of beach sand colour well it was til had used Methyl Blue for something or other a while back and sand is now blue!!
Well i never had a problem with my fancies eating the java moss and fern.
Maybe it depends on individual characters?

Also, dark coloured substrate is always best, as it shows the goldies colours best.
Although i have always been a fan of sand as well.

The tank has been 'cycling' with a couple of young guppies calling it home at the moment..

..My girlfirend still believes it is a sort of 'sump' tank for our 40gal! I told her it's the cycling water to do water changes with in the big tank.. seems to have worked!

On monday I hope to buy a couple of those moss balls, some java fern and everything my lass will need to look after her new 'George'.

Just a last check, is there anything else that would be good to prepare for the arrival of a fancy? The temp is currently @ 22 degrees C..

..If I have enough magic money to purchase a water testing kit, then i will.. I know it's silly I havn't already, seeing as I've had tropical fish for over 8 years!! That's something i really need to do actually.. :X
Sand isnt good, the tiny particles irritate their gills when they are sifting through it.. and i think they can get compacted :crazy:
If a piece of gravel is a bumpy shape sometimes the fish can suck it up and not get it out again, they can die from that.. it isnt very rare. The best thing is barebottom or small smooth pea gravel.
The point on that big rock would worry me.. with the googley eyes 'n' all :lol:
okay i think I've finished the planting bit now..

..I tied some java fern to the two rocks without java moss, and bought a couple of those mossy balls...

I ended up opting for another type of gravel, the fine pebbly stuff, but mixed it in to create a real nice effect. I've been told the fern is a really hardy plant and should grab hold of the rocks in weeks to come, the java moss has already started to grow over the cotton!

It's Rach's birthday tomorrow [not sure how I'm guna hide this from her as it's next to our bed!] so they're will be a little lionhead, or calico something in there tomorrow :)

Please let me know what you think...








Oh, and if anyone has any ideas on where the moss balls should go... please let me know!!

message to the moderator...

...and chance this thread could be moved to a more suitable location?

I still can't believe coldwater fish are casted aside in the 'other pets' section of this forum, it's just not right! :/
Thank you..

well weve got george, but are going to get him a black moor friend today as he is looking kinda lonely.

and don't worry, were setting up their 30 gallon tank in a few months, plus the waters well filtered.

here's george...

I'll post a pic of 'Marley' later!
He's got a couple of friends now...

introducing Marley...


He's a bit of a pig, but george seems much happier with him...


And this is 'Squirrel' [as he looks like a flying squirrel when he swims!]



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