Would Guppy Fry Have A Chance In My Tank?


Fish Fanatic
Feb 1, 2006
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Here is a pic of my tank


I have the fish in my sig, and 2 of the guppies seem pretty fat and the black spot is very dark. So I figure it cant be more then a couple weeks.
I want to try and see what the baby guppies look like, I have some very pretty males in the tank, but I know guppies can hold the sperm, so I dont know if the newest gets prioity or what.

But what could I do thats easy to get a few fry to live, without having a second tank, or a breeding net.
I was thinking a bushy fake plant at the top, one that the current fish couldnt swim through very easy, but there is a current at the surface so I dont know if that would be ok, I also dont know if just a wad of plants at the surface would attract the fry or not.

Any tips would be great, thanks.
I dont have another tank, and dont have the room for another.

something floating at the top wont let a couple survive even?
Every now and then I get one or two making it to be big enough that I can see them easy, but then become a snack or die or just dissapear.
Frankly - I don't quite agree with the previous replies . Its amazing how well livebearer fry can hide . IME , if you don't get any survivors the first time round ( because of the females probable inexperience , she will give birth to less fry ) you should certainly get survivors from the second birth .

However , a bushy plant would certainly ensure a few fry.
If You Dont Have Enough Room For Another Tank, Get Alot Of Plants In Your Current Tank, As The Fry Will Have A Place To Hide
then just get a glass jar or cup and make sure its alwas 77-80 degrees
If You Dont Have Enough Room For Another Tank, Get Alot Of Plants In Your Current Tank, As The Fry Will Have A Place To Hide

I wish I could, but with it so deep I need alot of light, and with the smaller top I get LOTS of algea on the glass near the top, I am hoping the java fern grows well, but thats going to be a while.

I wonder if there is a floating live plant that would do well and be a good hiding spot.
I am not trying to raise the fry to sell or anything, so even if jsut one makes it that would be pretty cool. I dont think my tank would support too many more fish if lots lived anyways.

A jar just seems like lots of work to make sure its a constant temp, and I would still need to have some fry to catch to put in there.
My one female I have had for 8 months now, she must have birthed a few times, she is quite large for a guppy, and pretty, so it would be neat to see a fry of hers get some color.
I've found that my guppies will ONLY eat newborn fry. I guess if you catch the fry you can keep them in a breeders net for a few days, then release one or two into the tank to see how they do. I won't say they WILL get eaten, but it's not safe to say they WON'T either...
Hornwort is cheap, grows fast and easily and it floats. The fry can get in and out between the leaves and it keeps them really safe. A little duckweed is great too many don’t like it because it grows so fast, but you can just net it out. It makes great cover for fry who stay at the waters surface, you could always contain the duckweed in a rubber ring at the top. The fry nibble on whatever is growing on the plants for the first few days. Basically any floating plant, even a wool spawning mop kept floating will give them a good chance.

Edit to say that I just noticed your filter inlet, not sure how big it is but they may be ending up in the filter. Its happened to me in the past, I just cover it with a sponge or nylon stocking now if there are any fry around.
we have our fry in our smaller tank now , however, we have swordtail and guppy fry that have lived , after being born in a community tank , they hide in the filter or plants :)

we cant be doing things wrong if they are surviving and thriving withnone of this breeding net malarky :)
hi,im new to all this but i have had 2 drops from my dalmation molly approx 8 survived each time,and 2 guppy drops with 3 then 4 surviving,even when you think they have all perished sometimes you catch a glimmer.i find that they hide at the side of the tank in between the gravel or hiding at the side of plant pots.
best of luck

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