Would Adding Another Severum Be Ok?

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Fish Herder
Jun 4, 2009
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I really want a Red Spotted Severum but dont want to rehome either of my current Severums .

I have seen some beautiful Red Spots in Taunton Aquarium Center for £14 and just gotta get myself one! lol

My current stock is...


2 x Severum (1 x Gold,1 x Banded,heros efasciatus)
2 x Festivum (Mesonauta festivus)
2 x Blue Acara (Aequidens Latifrons)
1 x Female Kribensis (Pelvicachromis pulcher)
1 x Rainbow Cichlid (Herotilapia multispinosa)
1 x Pearl Eartheater (Geophagus brasiliensis)
2 x Angel Fish (1 x Koi,1 x Black,Pterophyllum scalare)


1 x Blue Gourami (Trichogaster trichopterus)
1 x Sail fin Plec (Glyptoperichthys gibbiceps)
3 x bosemani rainbowfish (Melanotaenia boesemani)
3 x Red Rainbowfish (Glossolepis incisus)
3 x Clown Loach (Chromobotia macracanthus)

I would probably rehome 1 of the Festivums when they get older,i only meant to get 1 but was bought 2.

How overstocked am i?

Its a mature tank running 2 large external filters (both meant for bigger tanks than 100g)
I would think that you are very nearly at your limit with what you have. You might get away with it as you are over filtering. I had to give my Red Spotted away as the other Sev's bullied him. But obviously its your call. If you are willing to rehome some stock, then fine.
I'm willing to rehome my Gourami + 1 Festivum later on,freeing up about a foot in those 2 :p

I asked my step father to get me a Festivum from yeovil and he bought me 2 because they was cheap lol.So i'll keep them together for now (although they dont interact at all!) then separate them and sell one when one is a adult.
Here's a piccy of mine at 4"



They are nice fish.
Beautiful mate :)

My mate has a 4" one and I'mk jealous! :p I think his is a super red..the really really red ones.

Heres my adult Gold, I think he has some Red Spot in his lineage because he gets really red at times.


And this is my baby,this little dude hopefully will turn into a Rotkiel

I think its gonna be a lot of years before I have to make the tough decisions to rehome stuff if needed,I have had my Gold for 2 years and hes barely grown more than a inch or 2 so should be ok.

My Plec on the other hand seems to grow a inch a day! lol I'm thinking about swapping him for something a bit smaller and a bit more fancy.
:) yeh really gawjus, didnt realise he had white spot till I got him in the tank tho :(

Treating the tank now.
Gutted about the whitespot for you mate, but that is a very tasty Red Spot Glen. I have found them to be quite slow growers in comparison to my Rotkiels. The new one is very red for such a young age, so imagine how stunning he will be at 10 inches :wub: Very nice pick up indeed mate.
i found vinny my red spot grew like crazy till he reached around 6 inches then slowed a bit and started to fill out . beautiful fish once they get a bit of size. try and get him on prawns they are very good for colouring up the red spots i have found.

resisted the temptation to splash loads of vinny pics all over your thread lol
Hey i want you to splash the pics so i can see what mine might look like when hes older :) more the better :p

Funny you should say that about prawns,i was hand feeding him/her prawns earlier lol!

I'm going to rehome my Gibbiceps Plec now to make a little bit more room in m tank (about 2ft eventual room lol!) Just hoping all 3 of my Sevs get on when they are adults...my big gold is never agressive ever so hopefully they get his temperment,the red spotted seems to love my gold but my little dude (the one that I think is a Rotkeil) doesent pay attention to either and spends most of his time with my Festivums!

White spot seems to be dying down now and it doesent seem to be affecting him...glad really as I have 3 Clown Loaches in my tank and i'll be devastated if they get it!

Did a 40% water change earlier to (normally only do 10%)

Question: Do you think he/she is a super red? when I chose him her (I think its a her from past experience with Sevs/body shapes) I chose the one with the most red,alot of Red Spots that I see usually look orange from a distance but he/she looks bright pink!
oh ok lol if you insist. heres some piccies. of vinny my red spotted. i think super red is a name used for them a lot in the us.

anywho heres my boy

Sexy fish! been looking at him in the Sev thread up the top of the forum :)

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