Would a Bala Shark survive ina Brackish Fish tank?


Fish Fanatic
Apr 14, 2004
Reaction score
Chicago IL
I know they can be mean fish. But I like them,and would like one in ym fish tank. But I plan to keep Brackish water fish,or in particular Silver tipped Sharks aka Shark Catfish.The last ones died. Would they get along with my new Shark Catfish?
well i doubt the employees of all the petsmarts in the world have more than 4 brain cells between them. maybe that was the case ;)
not at all....very timid fish. needs to be kept in a minimum group of 3 though.

what size tank is this we are talking about anyway?
10 gal only a beginner though.Would they become agressive if they werent in a group of three?
are you joking? i hope so.. your shark catfish is no good for that tank either.

if you want to consider fish like this you will need a 100g tank. at least.
i suggest for your 10gallon you get some small tetras or something. sorry.
they are not aggressive at all.
the guy at my LFS called them gentle giants!!
i have 2.
they are always together.
you have to get as least 2 or 3 but keep in mind they get VERY big!!
so you would either need to up grade to abigger tank down the track or get rid of them when they get to big
Ok The Silver Tipped Sharks died. There is only one Pleco. I have a cousin I`m going to upgrade the fish to when they get too big he has a 50 gal
the tank is still nowhere near big enough for these fish...

what do you mean the shark died? just now while you wrote this thread? :rolleyes:
unfortunantly everybody here is right, Balas do get big, myabe some dwarfs gourami for a 10 gl? or a school of tetras?
I just love the way the size that bala sharks grow to keeps going up :lol: Around 12" is the normal adult size with the occasional fish getting to a couple of inches over that.
None the less they are still a big fish that need a big tank due to their shoaling nature.
Hello Drac

It's a shame to hear that your fish has died. But the posts above me are right, balas get to be very big fish (well by my standards) and like to swim as well as needing to be in a group. Oh and they are certainly not aggressive.

You can set up a very nice community tank with a 10 gallon. :nod: Do you know about things like cycling the tank (building up the 'good' bacteria)? This is something you will need to know about and I find pet shops don't explain it. Where are you? If you are in the US you can do a fishless cyccle but in the UK the products are not easily available for that and so you must choose a hardy fish to cycle with.

Anyway, hope you reply about your set-up and what fish you fancy now.

:fish: Dana :fish:

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