Wot watts???


Fish Herder
Jul 22, 2004
Reaction score
Grantham, UK
Help!! I'm one confused newbie. I have a 48" x 12" x 15" tank, and one of the aquarium calculator thingies on here says I need at least 170W of light to have a 'medium' light planted tank. (I currently have a brown algae prob due to lack of light) I have a 38W 4' tube. Does this mean I need another 3 x 54W tubes? Where will I fit them all - there ain't that much room in the hood!!! Thinking of buying Arcadia double T5 54W, but don't want to do that if it's not enough and i have to then buy something else.

All advice gratefully received! Thank you :p


I make your tank out to be 37 gallons - does that sound about right? If so, you (obviously ;) ) have 1 watt per gallon. There are plants that will grow in this kind of lighting, but your will be very restricted in your choices, and they won't grow too fast.

If you doubled the amount of lighting bringing it to 2 wpg, I think that would be classed as "medium" and 3-4 wpg is "high".

However you've encountered the usual problem, ie, store bought canopies never have enough lighting! So If you want higher light, you're going to need a new light system. You could build your own canopy and wire up lots of lights to it, (cheap) or have one custom made (expensive). I dunno what the arcadia double whatsit thingummer is so I'll refrain from commenting.
thank you Cluttery, I can manage 100W without having to get a new hood I think, so should be okay! Might even have room for some moonlight LEDs (been going barmy on ebay lately, I gotta shred my credit card!)

Sarah :D

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