Worst Film You Have Ever Seen

Tremors, so bad it's almost good.
It's only saving grace for me is Kevin Bacon is in it
OMG! I've got to calm myself because I LOVE some of the movies mentioned here - I watch a lot of movies because I have no life....

But...Top Gun, Jaws, Pearl Harbour, Avengers!? All awesome movies...I think there were more lol

and ichy thump - you clearly didn't want any of the precursor Avenger films or you would get the back story of the bad guy. Of course it was cheesy it's based on freakin' comic book characters!!

And just so that I make sure to contribute appropriately to this thread. For your viewing pleasure, I present: Surf Nazis Must Die

That's so stupid!!! I hated batman, but I guess it was ok.
But that's the point of avengers it's about the other films :blink:

But I cant say my opinion as I havnt seen it yet

A movie called Glengarry Glen Ross, which my brother told me was brilliant. He likes to think he's a film critic.
It was incredibly tedious. At least with the "Colossal Squid Vs Giant Sharkzilla" movies you can entertain yourself by scoffing at the appalling acting and effects. Glengarry Glen Ross didn't have any special effects and featured some good actors, but it was mind numbingly dull.
Zabriskie Point. What a load of old tosh that was.

Plan Nine From Outer Space has it's own charm in some ways, but it is pretty dire.

Spartacus is a marvellous film! Though not as good as Ben Hur.

Grease 2 was one of the worst things I've ever had the misfortune to have to sit through.

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