Worrying Test Results!


Fish Fanatic
Sep 28, 2007
Reaction score
East London, England
Hello all

I have been keeping a very close eye on my water condition for the past few days as im well overstocked (13 fish in a 60 litre)

But im very concerned i done a test a few hours ago & alot of my water condition is in the red also the test kit i bought had no bloody instructions & im not sure what im looking at please help!

The first one is NO3 my tank reads 150-200 mg/l

The second one is NO2 my tank reads 0.5 mg/l

The middle four are GH my tank reads 21d on all four

And the bottom two are KH my tank reads 20d & pH reads 9.0

According to the chart on the back of my tin my KH, pH & GH are as critical as you can get, I have been water changing 50% for the last 3 days & managed to get my NO2 down but nothing else, Im really concerned im going to loose my fish how can i get these readings down to a normal level??



I am not sure what brand those are so i can't help you. One thing i know is: never get test strips! They almost never include ammonia and that is the most important test you need. Also, when they touch air, they already start changes, which gives you a false reading. Go and buy a liquid test kit. They are a great investment! API freshwater is a great one. It's what I use.
How long has the tank been set up.
How many fish and which type.
Looks like to me the filter not coping with being overstocked.
As the nitrate reading is high.
How often do you do a water change and gravel vac.
What make of filter is it, how many gallons does it turn over an hour.
The tank has been set up for 3 weeks now

I have 13 fish

2 Plecs (small)

2 Angels (small)

2 Blue rainbows (small)

2 Silver sharks (small)

And 5 other fish not sure what they are called but they are like goldfish also small

I have been doing a 50% water change every other day, My filter is called Elite, heres a pic..

Thanks for your help


Oh what would be the best thing to do in your oppinion to get my water quality to a normal level?..
The tank will never cycle you have to many fish and the filters not coping.
Silver sharks are bala sharks grow massive and need 120 gallons.
Angels no less than a 25 gallons.
Rehome the sharks and angels as the will die due to bad water quality.Immediate water change.
Plecs are massive waste producers which type is it.
Dannym, have you ID'ed the other five fish yet? Why not post a pic of them.
Rehome the sharks and angels as the will die due to bad water quality.Immediate water change

I am going to upgrade to a bigger tank when i get paid at the end of the month, with frequent water changes do you think i could keep hold of my fish till the upgrade?..(And what size would be sufficent for the 13 fish i have)

Dannym, have you ID'ed the other five fish yet? Why not post a pic of them.

I have a couple of pics here i will take some more, like i say they are about 2 inches in length 3 are white 2 are orange, you can see the white ones on the right next to the angel fish

Thankyou for your help all!...


With having the plec I would do a little gravel vac on your gravel.
The nitrate readings is high so I would just one of the sponges slightly rinse in tank water in a bucket.
You need to get the tank fast.
Looking at a 75 gallon tank at the moment.

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