Worried Some Of My Garra Rufa Fish May Be Sick

I have ordered the gravel cleaner, some java fern, driftwood, java moss and a mini cave for fish made from coconut shell. :)

I took some pictures today to give more of a idea of the general health of the fish. The pictures that have the purple, blue and clear ornamental rocks in are the least crowded tank and the ones that have those colours plus green ones are the more crowded tank (after those 20 were taken to the other home). I'm not sure about rehoming many more as I may lose some more due to the damage caused by the ammonia, and whilst many are still small it might not be so bad with the crowding.....so I may rehome just a few more from the other tank and then wait and see what happens with the others. (I'm not sure I like the ornamental rocks or if they look tacky, lol...I love natural looking materials). The pictures are during feeding this morning on algae wafers, which seems to be a favourite food.




I just realized that I can count how many I have exactly by counting them on a photo.....lol......why didn't I realize this before?! :blush:

So I counted about 46 fish in the more crowded tank.....yikes. There is about 20 in the other. Yesterday I gave about 25 fish away approximately. :blink:

Here are some pictures of the water test results done this morning. The ph of the more crowded tank has gone lower today- first time I have seen this happened. I will look out for some coral pieces to add to the gravel. A water change later today will help. I also took some of the ammonia test strips, however the colouring of them came out darker in the picture than to the naked eye, so I won't post these. The colour of them looked just right- the lowest on the chart guide. I am going to keep using the Ammo Lock anyway. I poured some Stress Zyme into the filter last night too to help give it a boost.....as this shouldn't do any harm if anything at all. The test strip with the higher PH is from the less crowded tank, and the one with the lowest is from the other.


I removed the horrid plastic rocks today and put some pebbles in that i brought back from the beach. They really seem to like sucking on the pebbles lol. They just ignorred the plastic rocks. Natural always looks better.
Ok, who created this in jest of this thread, lol?


I actually thought it was very witty and amusing! :good:

(The picture has changed since I posted this. It had a big red Betta fish before).

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