Worlds Most Amazing Filter!


New Member
Apr 16, 2006
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i was really bored and was wondering how i could filter my 2.25 gal. and i thought of this.I havent tryed it but i think it'll work.

You'll need:Air pump, silicone, tubes, drill,empty fish food canister

1.Make sure the food can is sealed and if it's not, your life must really suck!

2.drill 2 holes in the bottom and one one the top. Make sure they're just a bit smaller than the tubing.

3.put tubes in each hole about 1/4" and seal it with silicone.

4.OK the tube from the top is the out flow so put it where ever you like in the tank (the lower the better)
The first hole in the botton goes to the air pump and the secong will be 3" under the surfsce in the tank.

5. put whatever media in the filter you want an place next to the aquarium on the same thing the tank is on What SHOULD happen is water siphons to the hole in the bottom where it is forced through the media and out the top.

6.for better performance Drill 8 holes in the bottom (4 for water and 4 for air)

I hope you like it!!

I made a diagram in paint but i have NO clue how to post it :blush: :blush: can somebody help me out?


sounds interesting. put your picture on photobucket and that will allow you to post your picture.

have you tried the filter yet?

I haven't tryed it yet, i't'll be a week or two before i try it and as for what simonbrown403 said, it's kinda like that except mine is outside the tank.

Rock on!! 8)

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